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  1. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    I took a Fluid VLT SZ2 for a couple rides today. It definitely alleviates *some* of the hand numbness. But it is not gone. On the medium exe (which I road again after the fluid) when riding a trail downhill my hands get to the point where I almost can’t hang on anymore. Weight on the front is...
  2. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    There were errors on bikeinsights for both bikes. So I contributed my own version of both bikes. This is as “correct” as I can make it:,66b12e78d74c8a001b121bbc, The above is a comparison of my medium Sirrus X to a Small Fuel...
  3. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Reading through them. Some interesting stuff is in there.
  4. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    That’s what happened last time! This time I am prepared: Mountain bike! ;)
  5. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    After extensive research and careful consideration, I determined that Vermont is the best state in the Union. :) I have been professionally fit. I think they did a phenomenal job getting my saddle in a comfortable and powerful position. They didn’t do great on my hands. Part of that was...
  6. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Well, I have never researched potting soil. The research amount and detail does increase with the cost / risk of the item. And, yes, it is very time consuming. Right now I am also researching new frying pans as I am a bit frustrated with cast iron and carbon steel. So I am trying to find...
  7. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    I asked that exact question as well. It’s also quite a bit more money. If you read the full reviews, it’s because the hope has longer weird levers and a soft bite. So the hayes wins. It should also be noted that the shimano slx won best value because it does all those things well while being...
  8. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    No, well, yes to the non-bedded in one. But the others either did or likely could. But *not on pavement*. What I am saying is none of these bikes come close to what my blade 2.0 could do. As a practical example, I tested some pavement downhill where I bombed down at 35-40 mph following a car...
  9. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Forgot the second unfortunately. None of these bikes lived up to my past braking experiences. Particularly as compared to my former blade 2.0. No matter the bike, I am likely upgrading the brakes on day one. The blade could stop a 35lb heavier me ( than I am now) on a 30lb heavier bike with some...
  10. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Eh. ;) The difference between some of these bikes is pretty amazing. I road one up a trail for all of like 300 feet before I turned around and brought it back. Some of that might have been sizing, but the motor just felt wrong on it. Even if I stood up and pedaled, I simply couldn’t get power...
  11. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Now that was a fun day! Trail riding on 4 different bikes! :)
  12. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    *snickers* Nothing ever lives up to *my* expectations. True story. ;)
  13. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Yep, but I found a really good deal on the aluminum fuel exe. So, it’s competitive currently. Doing another test ride tomorrow. I will try some aluminum vs carbon bikes to see if I care. The thing I like about the spectral:on is the huge battery. If it were bosch, I might have gone for it. But...
  14. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    I got some clarification on requirements for class 4 roads around here. The consensus was 100mm+ front suspension. Rear is not “required” but helps. Fuel exe, here I come. :)
  15. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    It is. The reason it’s been a second choice for me is a poor experience with specialized. That said, it is also unobtanium in my size currently. It *is* the bike that started the “get a fun and practical” bike process. I also would need to have it upgraded to transmission. And, if the problem...
  16. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    The aluminum trek exe with transmission is back!!!
  17. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    Ok, super excited about the grizl. It has everything I need and the upgrade cost to transmission isn’t terrible. Unfortunately, the CF Trail doesn’t exist here with it’s X0 transmission . Suspenssion: With fenders, this bike specs for 45mm tires (which come stock). 50mm without fenders. 20mm of...
  18. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    The really nice thing about this bike is the upgrade should just be a derailleur and cassette with force being AXS. This may have just jumped to the top of the list! Bosch sprint on the norco was quite good. It also has integrated lights.
  19. dynamic

    Anyone have experience with SRAM Eagle Transmission on any Specialized e-bike?

    It is really weird that this isn’t mentioned anywhere in any specs. I will check it more thoroughly again And contact canyon about it. Though, I did talk to a canyon rep on chat yesterday, and he couldn’t get it through his head that SRAM Transmission != SRAM Force. sooooo…. Not a good sign.