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  1. cycolojist

    'Zen Skunkworks' - a new model in the development

    Okay, I do see the reasonably good article here, Can anyone verify the estimated 30-40% range reduction when temps dip below freezing?
  2. cycolojist

    'Zen Skunkworks' - a new model in the development

    I definitely like the design of this model, with a single @1000-ish kwh battery integrated into the frame, vs 500kwh integrated and an additional 500kwh "bolted on". I feel this design would suit my daily 65k commute best. I'll ask this of anyone who thinks they know. Is there a good reference...
  3. cycolojist

    Zen Samurai - Built in Canada - shipping since June 2022

    Hi Ravi, I am most impressed with the Samurai but, prefer a slightly different riding position than appears to be possible with the as built configuration. Can you accommodate a modification request that would get the handlebar somewhat lower to be more level with the seat height? I suppose...