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  1. Dima


    Hi , i ordered all part to install the additional battery , but e-store forgot base plate , so i cant finish the installation . Hard to find it . Does someone has it ? or know where i can order ? thx in advance ! It looks like this base plate could be different ..
  2. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    have not helped 😤
  3. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    no ... i have been truing deleting and downloading them again , has not helped :( i sent a email to support , maybe tomorrow they will help o_O
  4. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    yes it has happened after the last updating . tnx a lot !
  5. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    i downloaded for Belarus and Kazahstan but again this message
  6. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    Endless uploading screen ( instead of the map )
  7. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    to many questions )) how can o change circumference and time out when it goes in a sleep mode ..
  8. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    brand new !
  9. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    after some minutes all okay ! but ! i have a problem with navigation ! always grey circle from the factory as started point .. i cant choose another point in my country ( message too far )
  10. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    yes i know i am using this usb and cant charge to 50% , maximum 33%
  11. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    hm i have plugged it but i don see the charging process . It was good to 34 ... then nothing and .. always 30
  12. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    Tnx! do you know can i charge Nyon the way i usually charge my Android ( with quick charge ,?
  13. Dima

    Nyon Gen2 issue

    Hi! I just opened the box with new Nyon, and I saw this . The display never was plugged to the ebike? Is it okay? The level of the battery decreasing in the real time, is it normal. Looks like the defect. maybe something with the battery inside ..... Every ten seconds minus 1 percent..I have...
  14. Dima

    Hi! i would by 6A Fast Charger ( Bosch ) if you do need it ! Tnx!

    Hi! i would by 6A Fast Charger ( Bosch ) if you do need it ! Tnx!
  15. Dima

    Riese And Muller Nevo 2020 ( Electrical questions )

    Guys said diagnostic tool does not see issues , but i still do not understand how bosch computer will calculate the distance
  16. Dima

    Hi! Could someone please clarify how bosh will handle this dual battery ( not from the factory situation ) , diagnostic tool do not see any problems.

    I am asking about calculation of the trip distance and over allocation of the power of batteries Tnx a lot !
  17. Dima

    Is bosch nyon gen 2 good ?

    Thank you!
  18. Dima

    Which spare parts needs to fix this motor?

    no no air ) restrictions of the Germany from the factory ))