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  1. willpage

    eBike Connect Wrong Altitude

    I'm sure about the barometric altitude explanation. The graph it plots of my altitude is accurate and also my commute is only 35 minutes over a 200m hill - there's no way the atmospheric pressure changes enough during that time to throw my ascent and descent readings out by a factor of 4...
  2. willpage

    eBike Connect Wrong Altitude

    I've seen a few posts here and on the wider internet about eBike Connect not showing altitude at all, but I have a different problem. Altitude is shown, but it's wildly inaccurate. For example on my morning commute I ascend 164m according to the recording on Strava which is synced from eBike...
  3. willpage

    No power assist (G330.350)

    There's no way you can service the torque sensor. I didn't post any photos because the electronics is just a tiny IC surrounded in potting compound. It was impossible to get in without destroying it.
  4. willpage

    No power assist (G330.350)

    I thought I should tear down the old torque sensor to see how it works and if there's any chance of finding out exactly how it failed. Looks like it's mostly electronic. There's a circuit board in potting compound on the outside, connected to an aluminium ring, with nothing going through the...
  5. willpage

    No power assist (G330.350)

    The part finally arrived from China and I fitted it today. Taking apart the motor it became clear what the cause of the problem is. The rust is from the steel springs on the ratchet, but it's obvious water has got in. I ride this bike to work every day rain or shine, a little over an hour...
  6. willpage

    No power assist (G330.350)

    I had this problem start 2 days ago. Riding along the flat the assist dropped out. I stopped and turned the bike off and on again, removed and replaced the battery, eventually got it going. However at the end of my ride there's a hill and while it managed to provide full boost up there, it felt...