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  1. Lemonjuice

    850c display work with a g020 250 rear hub bike?

    So I am genuinely a noob to all of this. I recently got told by an eBay seller that this display will in fact work with my bikes. I have the Eskute Netuno and the Eskute wayfarer. I also bought a male to male 5pin cable and it just doesn't work. Any advice? Or have I bought the incorrect...
  2. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    This whole bike is an enigma 😂 I will just use this bike for now until a deal comes along. Thankyou to all who gave advice and information! I really appreciate it!
  3. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    I found the website from were my battery is from They do have 48v batteries by the looks of it
  4. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    Yeah... I'm not sure if it would be worth even changing anything at this moment in time Thanks for your advice though, if you have anymore let me know!
  5. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    Is there a battery that will fit in my bike? The company doesn't sell any larger batteries
  6. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    And this is the battery it has equipped 😁
  7. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    Hi, sorry for the late reply. This is the current controller in my Ebike
  8. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    Hi and thankyou, Would the Bafang controller work ok with my Display or would i need to get a complete new controller and Display? I usually use my bike on private land anyway so the restrictions aren't much of an issue though i will use with caution.
  9. Lemonjuice

    Eskute voyager

    Hi guys! Just bought an Eskute Voyager and love it so far. I'm just wondering, what kid of upgrades could I give this to give it a bit more umph?