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  1. Joro

    Motor noise and starting delay.

    No scuff Mark's, the exposed wiring is intact. Display seems fine. The fix isn't consistent - I've had it make the grating noise, then kick in and be silent, or, I stop pedalling then restart, or I've had to shut it down and start up again two times before it worked properly. It seems to be...
  2. Joro

    Motor noise and starting delay.

    Good to know - I assembled it Tuesday night and haven't had much free time to note exactly when it performs fine and when the malfunction occurs. Going to check into it this weekend and post again. Thank you
  3. Joro

    Motor noise and starting delay.

    Thanks for the reply, I haven't tried starting in the higher assists - it's been a busy week and I'm going to have time to do in depth analysis over the weekend. (I posted this in case there's an obvious explanation, I could cut to the chase.)
  4. Joro

    Motor noise and starting delay.

    Hi, this seems like it could be a great resource, here's what I'm experiencing with my brand new Breeze. When starting out with pedal assist on a 1 or 2, the motor makes a awful grating noise and the pedal assist, or throttle, don't provide any power. I'll stop and restart, once or twice, then...