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  1. J

    Stromer Sport Console shows battery at 100% and never changes

    Stromer just sent me a new Sport (no battery, using my ld one) after my 2012 model needed the motor replaced 5xs. New bike is great, however, the console shows a 100% charge always, even when I know for sure it's well below that after days of riding. Any thoughts as to why it's stuck there?
  2. J

    Poll... How is your Stromer holding up?

    My first Stromer was a 2012 Elite and I had to have the motor replaced 4xs in 4 years.The last one went 3 weeks ago and Stromer did admit to the 2012 motor problems and sent me a new bike completely with the new motor. What an unbelievable difference. However, now the new bike has an issue...
  3. J

    Stromer Sport's console show my battery at 100% constantly. I have been riding around for 3...

    Stromer Sport's console show my battery at 100% constantly. I have been riding around for 3 days covering about 20 miles and the battery has not dropped down from a 100% when I know it should be less than 1/2 charged. It's unsettling because I never know what the charge % is. When I just now...