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  1. Pooooookie1000

    Whatup from Stuttgart

    Thanks everyone! My son currently has no idea what the motor even is lol. He is extremely energetic so this is a great outlet for him. I do want to upgrade him to a small MTB like the Woom Off 4 once he is a bit taller and has improved some more on his current bike. The thing I'm hoping to do...
  2. Pooooookie1000

    Whatup from Stuttgart

    So I sort of impulse bought this last week. It is a Ghost Hybride 2.7 HTX 2.7+ After 15 years of not riding any sort bicycle I bought a basic hardtail MTB (Cannondale Trail 7) to have something to ride with my son as he was learning to ride. Fast forward a year later, I got the itch for an...