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    Has anyone ordered a Frey AM 1000 or Frey CC from Wexgear in Canada ?

    He keeps his overhead low ergo prices low. This is a part time business I think (but do not know for sure.) You can order through Ali of Frey but your are looking 8 to 9 months. separate shipping for batteries due to hazardous materials. You may also have problems with customs as there is new...
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    Bafang Ultra Alternative Settings For Basic, Pedal Assist & Throttle Handle..

    quick question I programmed using the Android app and it went very well no problems. The question is MODE it is in 5 steps and I would like 10 step mode How to change ???
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    Has anyone ordered a Frey AM 1000 or Frey CC from Wexgear in Canada ?

    I purchase from Wexgear last year when he just ordered stock, it took a long time but i id get what I ordered. I did not have the hassle of import or customs. I think he has some stock but shipping is the same time if he orders or you order but you do not have the stress. BUT you do not get...
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    Frey Ex Chainring

    SRAM EX1 is worth a look at.
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    Install a sticker on the motor stating restricted to 500 w and 32 km/hr. (Canadian regulation) program the low setting to the regulations and open up the top settings. as long as you are on the lower settings you are legal. sort of??