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  1. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Thanks, it definitely gets a lot of attention. Older people always want to talk.
  2. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Added one more badge:
  3. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Several rides, nothing bad to report. My friend rode it and loved it, so that is good. Well over 100 miles now. So, EmVeeTee made me some 3D printed badges and I painted them up. Fortunately he gave me his test badges so I could play with sanding and painting them. Black spray paint first...
  4. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Vespa people will see it. I also adjusted the caliper on the brake rotor to "hopefully" eliminate the low speed brake howl I have.
  5. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    I'm pretty confident that I could ride 40mph for a solid 45+ miles. My issue is a lead wrist. I do have a 3 poll switch that I can hook up (I wired it but left it unhooked) that will moderate my power. I noticed I am climbing up to near 200 amps under hard acceleration, usually going uphill. If...
  6. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    For sure, especially on only my second long ride.
  7. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    So, out of town all week and I was itching to go ride. Beautiful 70° and sunny! Started the baseline with my new, old, GPS, properly secured this time. I took local roads out 16 miles, with the speed limits 40-45, I was doing that and more, easily keeping up with traffic, but there was too...
  8. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Thanks, it has been a lot of fun, with a few missteps, but it really is fun to ride!
  9. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    So, successful ride, and here are the stats: 94% charge: Starting miles, 17144.5 End miles: 17169.2 Total miles: 24.7 End charge 38%. Moving time, 57 minutes, total time 1:21 minutes, with an average moving speed of 27 mph, and a top speed of 62mph. None of that tells the whole story...
  10. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Basically done. Added trim on the front, fixed a disconnected wire, cleaned it up and installed the volt/load gauge. Tomorrow I plan on a long ride to test range and endurance.
  11. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Wow, thanks, I appreciate the comments! I expect it will be a while before I am done tweaking on it, but the major stuff is done.
  12. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    A little cosmetic work today. Added the legshield rails and rubber, plus new decals to the cowls!
  13. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    I tend to agree.
  14. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Seat prop and battery cover done: Thinking about putting this rack back on, but I am undecided. It is functional, but not very aesthetically pleasing.
  15. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    I reset a bunch of parameters on the controller. I will try it out tomorrow. One issue I am having is that the battery goes to sleep after half an hour or so, and I have to plug the charger in for a few seconds to wake the BMS. Any ideas? This is the BMS I am using...
  16. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    For those interested, the weight of the scooter is now 212 pounds, around 100kg. Original weight of the p125X was 240 pounds. So I am lighter by 28 pounds. Top speed on the gas motor was 86kph, or 53mph, basically the same as mine. HP was 8, mine is around 15, but apples to oranges as the...
  17. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Today was fun. I bled the rear brake, then added my GPS to the speedo with a suction mount, then went for a ride. The brakes are much improved since I have the rear disc, which got better and better as it bedded in. I took it on the main road and went as fast as I could. Keep in mine I am 275...
  18. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    Thanks guys! I got it mostly back together today. Cleaned up and sorted the wiring, and installed the body pieces. Everything works except the power gauge. I popped it by crossing a wire. Tomorrow it will be tested.
  19. JimVonBaden

    Vespa PX125 conversion

    It runs!