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    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    Wheels were built with same parts as what Creo's are delivered with. My local bike shop built the wheels. I had them build me an extra set a while back and they honestly ride better than the wheels that came with my bike!
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    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    Anyone interested in a pair of carbon wheels for their Creo? Roval Carbon C38 w/ DT 350 Hubs 24 count spokes. Brand new never used. Email me if interested [email protected]
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    Power Needed to ride like on a regular 17lb bike

    Does anyone know if there is a calculation to figure min power to remove excess weight from bike. Looking to do a 150mile ride on Specialized Creo with Battery extender.. any and all info greatly appreciated.
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    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    AMAZING, thank you for these links.
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    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    Thank you.. disappointed how difficult it is to get a 2nd pair.
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    New carbon wheels for Creo?

    Hello. Are these wheels still available?