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  1. Yetibos

    New App Update: Almost here

    is hard to compare like that...without any app the bike work properly, I can enjoy and ride, have fun like it was 10 or 20 years ago. An app is not needed, is what I'm saying. I like the app, is useful, but not necessary for ride the bike. What kind of function do you expect from the app? it...
  2. Yetibos

    New App Update: Almost here

    the new app is almost here, that argument won't make sense in 2 weeks. I was using my ebike for the last year, most of the rides the App didn't work ... but I was riding anyway, having fun and having a great experience. If someone depends of a software thing to ride a bike I think that person is...
  3. Yetibos

    New App Update: Almost here

    but is a new App, not an update.;)
  4. Yetibos

    GIANT RideControl App 2.0

    is almost end of September....still nothing:mad:
  5. Yetibos

    Fathom 2020 Pro SUDDEN OFF!!

    if there is a problem with the battery is easy to test with another battery....the big problems are when the bike doesn't turn on, like the bike is dead...or when the bike stop, or swith off itself totally random. There is a ServiceTool to diagnostique the bike, but sometimes it can't detect...
  6. Yetibos

    Fathom 2020 Pro SUDDEN OFF!!

    to replace your bike doesn't guarantee that it happen again with the new bike.