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  1. L

    PIM Power in Motion Bicycle

    If anyone has a spare battery around, I'm interested. My 264 Kwh one finally bit the dust. I'm in UT though, IDK how complicated it is to ship a battery, but I'm sure I could figure it out.
  2. L

    Known Issues & Problems with Polaris Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    I think most people are posting in the PIM Bicycles section, as I think they picked up where Polaris left off? (edit: IDK if PIM supports them now anymore, either. their site doesn't have the list of OEM parts anymore now )...
  3. L

    Polaris Appex (Evantage) battery issue

    I am in the same predicament, I believe (I haven't opened the battery casing yet to confirm if the controller or BMS is fried or not, but one day it just stopped charging). I've been in contact with PIM Bicycles since spring of 2019, after they had just sold out of their OEM battery stock, as...