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  1. M

    How Do I Make The Yukon 2018 Voltbike faster?

    I ordered it on May 1st, it shipped on June 19th when they got stock, and it arrived June 25th.
  2. M

    How Do I Make The Yukon 2018 Voltbike faster?

    I'm actually trying to reduce the power output. My mother just got a Trio and even at Pedal Assist 1, when the motor kicks in she feels it's too much. Does anyone know of any negative effects to the motor if the current (P14 setting) is set to it's lowest value? Or maybe setting the P11 (Power...
  3. M

    Volt "Trio'

    I just tried the rear brake and it only locks the right side wheel. The left side wheel still turns but you can tell it isn't necessarily freewheeling. There is small amount of rolling resistance.