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  1. A

    Wheel config: do I need to take the derailleur into account?

    Well I can't do much more than guess at this point, but the blue light is an indicator that it is ready to connect bluetooth and not an indicator of when it's boosting. I would notice the blue light was on often when the bike was stopped. I also noticed that pedaling forward often took a long...
  2. A

    Wheel config: do I need to take the derailleur into account?

    No, that doesn't sound right. My Wheel would push any time I pedaled forward for the entire time I was pedaling. I had my teeth set to 42 I think. Unfortunately, I only managed to keep my bike for two weeks before it got stolen. It may have something to do with your top speed setting. If you...
  3. A

    What are FlyKly hub owners saying about it now that they've had a chance to use it?

    Ok, I got my FlyKly about 2 months ago, but I just managed to find a bike that it would fit on last week. For the most part I am quite happy with it, although it does have a few flaws and surprises. When I first got it the motor did nothing. It literally never engages if you don't log in with...