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  1. M

    Do you charge your Bosch 500w battery to 100% With your Bosch standard charger? If not, why not?

    I plug it and charge to full after every single ride. I'm not going to babysit it.
  2. M

    2020 Allant 9.9S Grinding Noise from motor or is it?

    I've also noticed the vibration at high speeds and low cadence. I feel like that's probably a motor issue though and not related to the rear hub at all but I could be way off. I'm not very knowledgable of bike mechanics at all - it's just what it feels like to me!
  3. M

    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    Got it! Thanks!
  4. M

    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    That's great news! Can you send a link to the hub that you ordered? I couldn't seem to find it on their website. If I can just order one of those and have my LBS install it for me then I won't have to wait for Trek to resolve this on their own. I saw someone listed the part number but I...
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    Allant 8/9.9 Pannier

    I'm using these Ortlieb panniers from REI. They are awesome for my purposes. Using them to run errands will eventually use them for commuting to work (once the office opens back up).
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    And now, another issue with the Allant+ 9.9S (Cobi.Bike app)

    I've not had a single issue either. I think the system cut off on me once but I think it was a cable issue. Every other ride has been flawless. I always connect via wire (and not bluetooth). I'll also note that the clamp holds me phone very securely in place. I do not use a case on my phone...
  7. M

    2021 Trek Ebike Release Date and Rumors?

    Curious as well. Based on all my research the Bosch motors seem to be the best of the best. I've been extremely pleased with the Bosch setup on my Allant 9.9s! Couldn't really ask for anything more out of it... although I've never tried anything else so that's a very naive comment. LOL!
  8. M

    2020 Allant 9.9S Grinding Noise from motor or is it?

    I rode my bike to my local Trek shop today (the one I bought it from) and pointed out the sandy/grinding noise and mentioned that it also felt like the bike slowed down when freewheeling. The mechanic immediately zeroed in on the rear hub. He pulled it apart and didn't notice anything in...
  9. M

    Verve + 2 Cafe Lock

    Based on my limited experience with these cafe locks while visiting Amsterdam (cafe locks are also called Amsterdam locks because they are used quite frequently there) - that's exactly how they behaved. The key stay in when it's unlocked and only removes when you lock it. I've never seen or...
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    Allant 9.9 Advice

    I was also eyeing the Specialized Turbo Vado SL series. I really just liked the look of the Allant 9.9s better which is why I went with it (plus - my LBS made me an offer I couldn't refuse). Yes, the bike isn't perfect but no bike ever is - especially in the world of ebikes. All that...
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    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    I detached and reattached the right pedal and the clicking sound/feel appears to be gone. Quick question - when you guys let off the pedals and let the bike coast do you get a sandy/grinding sound? It feels to me like there is friction that physically slows the bike down from freely coasting...
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    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    Good point. I guess I'll hoist the beast up onto my bike stand (hope it can hold it) and see what I can find.
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    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    I've got three issues that I've noticed so far. I'm struggling to hand it back over to my local Trek shop though because I'm enjoying the bike so much... even WITH the issues! Issue 1 - I get a clicking noise from time to time in the head tube. From reading here it seems like that has to do...
  14. M

    Ran my Allant 9.9s through some test rides - trying to determine how battery usage compares to speed and levels of assist

    I've only ridden mine about 110 miles so far but in general - I'm impressed with the range. I was prepared to be disappointed. This bike has me acting like a teenager that just got their license and is looking for excuses to go run errands. I've done a couple of runs for the wife (doing...
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    2020 Allant 9.9S Grinding Noise from motor or is it?

    So it's still really early days with my Allant 9.9s but I have to say that I'm definitely hearing the scratching noise. In addition I have two other observations. One is a clicking sound that appears to be coming from the stem (or somewhere thereabouts). The other (and this may be completely...
  16. M

    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    That looks very nice! How do you like it? I worry about my iPhone falling out of the mount even though it feels very secure in there (and I've tested it pretty agressively). I do not use cases on my phones so if it comes out it's going to be ugly. But a dedicated head unit seems to be a much...
  17. M

    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    I'm probably going to regret asking this but what is that head unit that you have on there??! And what's the blue thing on the right?
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    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    Thanks for the tip. If it happens again I'll take it in and have them look at it. The Trek store is 2.2 miles from my house luckily. Easy ride down there and I can run back home if they need to keep it! Quick question on a safety topic. On my road bike I have the Garmin Varia light/radar...
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    Over50's Trek Allant 9.9s Chronicles

    New member here. First post. I had been researching electric bikes for quite some time and I finally pulled the trigger on the Allant 9.9s yesterday. My LBS gave me a great deal on it and so far I've been ridiculously pleased. I'm mostly a runner but I mix in some mountain biking (old Kahuna...