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    LaFree Ebike

    Little did I know that my ebike (e-bike? Spell check doesn’t like “ebike”) curiosity would lead me to a group like this. However that might be, yes, I’ll share my experiences at the risk of boring people I don’t know out of their minds. I can say that with very few miles my new bike has already...
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    LaFree Ebike

    Well, since patience isn’t prominent in my limited array of virtues, and trusting that observations offered on this and a related forum would prove reliable, I went all-in and ordered a LaFree +1 without so much as a test ride. Rest assured that no one who knows me could conceive of yours truly...
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    LaFree Ebike

    What a great bunch! Thanks, everybody. Readytoride, your second paragraph nailed it for me. The hill I’m most concerned about leads to my home, is plenty steep and about 40 yards worth of serious. Thanks to everyone’s answers I now have a much clearer idea of how the assist works in practice...
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    LaFree Ebike

    Surely this has been asked/answered, but I haven’t found it, so: how is the LaFree +1 on steep (paved) hills? I’m just now learning about ebikes (and this is a GREAT source), live at 5400’ elevation, have moderate COPD (anyone else?), haven’t been young for years. I’m hoping an ebike’ll get me...