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  1. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Hi, New update is online, you can check it out at Feedback would be appreciated! Milan, Ebikeselector admin Improvements: More ebike setups as result can be displayed - This is important improvement. Ebikeseletor now displays ebike setups not only made from "best...
  2. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Please try to clear browser cache and reload page, it may help.. ( unfortunately your saved presets will be lost)
  3. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Hi, new version is online, you can check it out at i`ll be glad for any feedback! Milan, Ebikeselector admin Improvements: Added 2 wheel drive (also called 2WD ) motor simulation - 2WD can be selected in "Motor position" component in Advanced Selector. Currently...
  4. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Hi, New updates are online. Any feedback will be more than welcomed! Milan, Ebikeselector admin Improvements: Question selection changed radically - Question selection "priorities" were replaced with "rating" system. Currently Three types of rating are assigned...
  5. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Hi Irene. Ebikeselector should be understandable to ebike beginners, so Your feedback is valuable. One of goals of site is to give users information’s they are looking for in a quick way. This is the reason why application don`t include longer texts. And it`s sometimes hard to explain a...
  6. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    I would really appreciate if you can spend few minutes by filling following feedback form: By filling this form you will help future development of application.. many thanks for spending your time!
  7. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Hi, New updates are online. Thanks for your visit or possible feedback! Milan, Ebikeselector admin Improvements: Grammar correction - Many thanks to my friend Standa, who did language and grammar review of most important texts (mainly in ebike Advisor). There may...
  8. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Thanks for reporting a problem.. Can you please describe a screen resolution you are using for running ebikeselector?
  9. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Moving question should be done simply by clicking onto source and then target question in "Priority list". (A little hint should appear after onmouse action on the question). I presume that purple areas are caused by some platform/browser incompatibility. I hope that problem will be solved in...
  10. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Thanks for reporting a problem. Unfortunately i couldn`t comment program results if i don`t see questions you have selected, but let me quickly explain how priorities influences question selection. Here is a little example. User wants motor for both flat terrain and offroad use, so he check...
  11. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    To use program on Android, device have to support javascript and html5. ( modern android devices mostly support these features) I dont` have Kindle Fire, but according some pages ,javascript is disabled by default on Kindle Fire, but it`s possible to enable it in settings.
  12. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Program work best on desktops, it should also work on Android platform (although it need to be polished). Unfortunately i don`t have apple, so program is not tested on apple platform this time, i am sorry..
  13. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    i`m sorry you don`t like Advanced interface. Can you be more concrete about confusing results please? Thanks..
  14. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Thanks for feedback. About display overlapping, can you please describe what platform and browser do you use? About ebikeselector question concept . It`s of course a form of simplification behind program question idea, and i hope users of ebikeselector will be aware of it. About your example...
  15. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    I`m sorry for grammatical and spelling errors, i know that my english isn`t perfect. I plan to review most texts by someone with good english,i`ll try to do this step soon. Bug with highliting parts - you are right, it can be problem to get info about part when clicking on interactive image...
  16. ebikeselector

    Ebikeselector - ebike online app

    Hi, I would like to announce a site, which is now avaiable as beta version. it's interactive ebike aplication, which should help people to quickly orient in world of ebikes. Any comment or feedback would be really welcomed! If anyone is interested into betatesting...