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  1. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    Interesting article just published in the Economist...
  2. Sierratim

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Well, looks like the season has arrived; "HELP!! I've fallen and and I can't get out!" "UNKNOWN ...But in the end we're all tree food anyway..." "MARY MARY QUITE CONTRARY Her bones must be looking quite hairy" "Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Resist all you like...but decompose you must"...
  3. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    California has required EPA stoves with outside air sources for some years. Unfortunately the CA Air Resources Quality Board often issues mandates prohibiting wood burning of any type when air quality levels are poor so homeowners resort to natural gas, diesel or even electric heating systems...
  4. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    Phoenix, Arizona, iis experimenting with new road surfaces to minimize the heat island effect in the densest parts of the city; Tests of the Cool Seal product show "that by reflecting sunlight...
  5. Sierratim

    Bad chain skipping over gears

    Another thought would be chain alignment. What chain ring setup did your bike have before installing the single ring Lekki? If it was a triple or maybe even a double it would have been setup to not use the inner most ring with the smallest cassette cogs. Even with a 2mm spacer to clear the...
  6. Sierratim

    Bad chain skipping over gears

    Certainly sounds like worn drive components, but the mileage wouldn't indicate this. Perhaps you got one or more counterfeit parts along the lines of what @indianajo suggests? Perhaps the quality level of the parts just isn't up to the torque the mid-drive motor can produce?
  7. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    California is pretty clear (for a change) on what they mean by zero emissions; no combustion takes place of any type of fuel. There is a "partial" zero emissions category for cars that meet a particulate per mile standard. Subaru sells an engine that meets this standard charging $300 (in 2016)...
  8. Sierratim

    Using Ebikes As Tools For Meeting a Health Challenge

    Recent story on cycling and chronic illness where the benefits are more mental than physical;
  9. Sierratim

    Step through?

    The I do love (OK, more like really, really like) my Vado 5. The Vado 5 Step-Through is on my list though my wife rides this model. It does help with hip pain, but maybe not enough. I'm planning the usual test rides, as soon as anything is in stock...😂 Maybe next spring. BTW - I do like...
  10. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    Saw this energy stockpile on a recent ride to our local lake; This wood pile stretches across the entire frontage of this property, well over 200 feet. I'd estimate over 10 cords of split and stacked softwoods, enough to heat a home here for several winters. This firewood is the by product of...
  11. Sierratim

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    I suppose this sign celebrated Pat's 90th birthday; This is on one my favorite local routes to a nearby lake that I've been able to ride on my ebike for several years now. It hasn't been changed to celebrate Pat's 91st, or even 92nd birthday so maybe this is bad news? I'm so confused...🤔
  12. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    I have to admit that I rent the splitters I use. The big powerful ones are pretty expensive, and did I mention, they're big. I'd probably need to get rid of a boat if I got a splitter so rent it is! The best part, I don't have to maintain another tool...🤣
  13. Sierratim

    It's fire season again

    The Sierras got the first snows of the season this past weekend into today! Lake effect snow off Lake Tahoe dropped up to 3 inches on South Lake Tahoe, the community threatened by the Caldor fire just weeks ago. The downside? The winds required to generate lake effect snow have been over 20mph...
  14. Sierratim

    Step through?

    My hip arthritis gets a bit worse every year. The leaning the bike method has worked well for years, but I'm not sure how much longer it will help. Pretty sure my n+1 ebike will be a step through...😎
  15. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    My grease injector looks just like yours! Good maintenance does pay off, just like on the bikes. And a sharp chain can't be beat. I always carry my 12V sharpener when I cut wood, and have a spare freshly sharpened chain in the bucket as well. I'm well into my 70s and have had a chain saw in...
  16. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    Yep, my son has one. Great little saw for limbing, etc. One of the things that I can't get my mind around is that this same CA law will outlaw generators under 25hp. Yet the State's solution to cronic under production of electricity is to mandate more electric usage...
  17. Sierratim

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    So, you just need to know which 1/2 of the pie you can eat! 😎
  18. Sierratim

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Then there's the flamboyance of flamingos; 🤣
  19. Sierratim

    The Green Room

    California's Gov approves ban for small gas engines; IMHO, a good and bad idea. I like electric yard tools, to a limit. They're quiet and need virtually no maintenance. I don't...
  20. Sierratim

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Did a 36+ mile solo ride around our little town then out past nearby Grass Valley to the Mining Museum on the far side of town. It's on Allison Ranch Road, a route I handn't been on for years, and never on a bike. Off I went... I expected gravel within a 1/2 mile or so, just last the town...