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  1. stephen hince

    Known Issues & Problems with Giant Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Hello gooday mate. I dare not ask why you are called Browneye, as it appears your eyes are blue. However, I moved the magnet 1/4 inch, to the centre of the sensor, and WHOOPEE, it fixed it. Thank you ever so much! Such a simple thing that I completely overlooked it. A bit like when some...
  2. stephen hince

    Known Issues & Problems with Giant Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    Eeerm, G'day. new member, I need help with 'RideControl ONE'. Cannot find any manual with error message decoding. The led referrered to as "H" (Lighting indicator) flashes red, "R" (assistance indicator) is at 1 {minimum}, battery pack at 5 (fully charged). No battery assist. Cheers.
  3. stephen hince from Australia!

    My Giant "LAFREE' has developed a problem after 600km. The battery is fully charged but turns off after 10 seconds. I had moved the magnet and sensor to trick the speed limiter. In Australia the legal speed for these is 50kph, but the limiter is set for 25. When this problem first started it was...