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  1. NikolaTesla

    Newbie Intro and question: bullet connectors!?

    Thanks for the tips! OK, so the red and black smaller wires don't hook together as I thought on Figure 2, apparently. But I don't know where they go. I'm peering inside the charger and I don't see where they go! The manuals are here: (Link Removed - No Longer Exists) The beeps I heard mean...
  2. NikolaTesla

    Newbie Intro and question: bullet connectors!?

    I just got brand new SLA batteries. The wheel turned once but it pulled the wires loose (missing the bolt that holds that part stationary) and now the wheel doesn't turn. :( So now I have to troubleshoot. I haven't checked voltage... need to go get a meter. GO --.--- beep code when turned on...
  3. NikolaTesla

    Newbie Intro and question: bullet connectors!?

    Despite my name, I am a newbie to this. I have an EVG 24v that isn't quite running. The "bullet connector" wire is not connected. Is it really necessary? Is this the same thing as a discharge connector? The wire itself, the way it is connected, looks dangerous to me. It seems to be something...