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  1. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    { the correct oneTop} has 8 connections-2 for brake switch,Candance sensor. Throttel{/Pass Tag Button}, Motor, Power, Throttle{Hal sensor} Throttle {battery gauge} Wrong one sent from Electric scooter parts only has 6 connectors and one says Display? Hoping to override or not connect...
  2. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    Going to have AMX remove charge for new one from electric scotter parts Will show pis here of both tomorrow Thanks for your ear and ideas
  3. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    Thought maybe there could be short in wiring harness
  4. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    Hi Thanks for getting back I bought that one, it had only 7 connectors -I need 8-They would not take it back either as I ripped open package in excitment Bought one on ebay-guy said it was new-did not work-He said he up graded to a 36 volt system and it had been used very little. MOnster...
  5. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    Razor scootter parts does not stock it= Superkid razor parts I cannott put in cart when ordering online. I have sent email to them phone number on website not a working number MOnster scotter parts says it is not made any longer/ The one electric scotter parts sold me had only 7 connectors...
  6. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    Hi yes. Hoping to find one in NYC or LI on craigslist
  7. W

    24Volt/35 Amp Currie Tech Controller

    Could someone recommend a company that rebuilds controllers? I understand Currie was bought by Schwinn and does not make the controller I need any longer? Seem to me there would be a way to adapt another model controller or fix the one I have. I have a 2013 EZIP TRAILZ with 8 connections on...