Search results

  1. morsels

    Redundant regulation Arlington VA

    Google indicates a route that would be a few minutes faster that would be entirely on the street (Walter Reed) to Shirlington vs. the bike path. I'll try it out, of course, but already at a sub-hour time, biking is faster than taking public transit to my work.
  2. morsels

    Redundant regulation Arlington VA

    Yikes! The path I took on my only commute so far was W&OD to the trailhead at Shirlington. Google maps directed me to a ped overpass, which neither I nor anyone in my family had ever even noticed before despite driving beneath it zillions of times. Just goes to show how we see what we're attuned...
  3. morsels

    New Blix Sol

    I wonder how it differs from the Aveny. That's the one I just purchased.
  4. morsels

    Redundant regulation Arlington VA

    Oh boy, that is concerning! I just bought my first e-bike to commute to my job in Arlington from my home in Alexandria. I have only done the commute once so far and I kept pace with other bikers as it seemed unwise to zip around runners and walkers faster than at non-assisted biking speed. But...