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  1. R

    New 2015 Haibike Xduro Trekking Pro has a creak in cranks. Any ideas how to fix?

    I had this same issue on my Trekking Pro one month after I purchased it. I took it to the shop and they had to disassemble the whole motor and re-lubed/re-torqued the BB bolts. It took two visits to the shop. I had the same issue in the first visit - it stopped creaking for just one day. During...
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    St2 creaks

    You can try to ride the bike standing up. If you don't hear any creaks, then it possibly comes from the seatpost. If that is the case, I would recommend to re-grease the seatpost and that might solve it.
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    Easy Motion vs Bosch Second Generation Drive Systems

    I sold my Stromer ST1 Platinum and got a Haibike Trekking Pro about 4 weeks ago. I am noticing everything that @eDean have pointed out. My commute is about 10-12 miles round trip. When I used the Stromer for my commute I did not sweat as much as I have with the Haibike. In my case, I use the...
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    Bike Ratings on EBR

    You can order the SDuro from The owner, Martin, has a very good knowledge in Bosch and Yamaha systems. He ships to the US. However, I would not do order it since you will not get any warranty in the US and other factors such as the currency exchange.
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    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    I received the display replacement today. The bike is working well now. Thanks @lilrich1959 and @Crazy Lenny Ebikes !
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    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    The only reason I posted this thread was to know if someone else has had the same issue and if it was an easy fix. I tend to search online before calling shops because I like to learn and I am an DIY guy. Rich and the rest of Crazy Lenny's staff has been very attentive. I am very satisfied and...
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    ST1 Platinum Display Issues

    Hi all, I purchased an ST1 Platinum this past Saturday and it is having some issues with the display. When disconnect the battery and turn on the display, the display works correctly and has no issues. However, when I insert the battery into the bike and turn on the display, the display is no...
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    Please help: First e-bike purchase

    Hi Chandlee, do you sell Haibike's?
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    Haibike Trekking RX or Stromer ST1 Platinum

    I have posted the same thread on the Q&A section, but since no one has responded, I am also posting it in this section. I would like to get a PAS e-bike. I have a 12 mile round-trip commute. E-bikes with the Bosch motor would be my preference, since I am hopping to lose a couple of pounds. The...
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    Please help: First e-bike purchase

    Hello all, I am a new member and would like to get a PAS e-bike. I have a 12 mile round-trip commute. E-bikes with the Bosch motor would be my preference. One of the main reason I would like to get an e-bike is to progressively lose weight but avoid getting drenched in sweat on my ride to work...