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  1. S

    Stromer ST2 Pulsing (Please vote)

    I posted on another thread and forgot to add my 2c worth. I went back to my dealer and complained about the pulsing issue. A day later they got back to me and told me to reset the Torque sensor which you do by going into the menu settings in the console built into the ST1x (and presumably ST2)...
  2. S

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    Final post - The ST1X is AWESOME!!! Resolved the loosing power issue when going uphill by calling the local rep, who called the Stromer reps in the US somewhere... They said to recalibrate the torque sensor - on the bike. That was easy enough to do though - turn the bike on... press the setting...
  3. S

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    Second Update: I finally got to commuting on my ST1x. My commute is a series of undulating hills. Almost immediately, I had a problem with really bad pulsing when going up hills with power cutting out. It was pretty clear (to me) that it was probably a torque sensor issue because it appeared to...
  4. S

    Stromer ST2 Pulsing (Please vote)

    Thanks for this!!! I bought the St1x (I know... ages after this question was first posted!) and since it is still a new bike, figured I had to look to similar issues in the ST2 and voila - here's your discussion! I am glad you posted the screenshot because from reading the Stromer response, I...
  5. S

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    UPDATE: I played around with the torque/agility/speed settings in the app and voila! No more lurching when going up hills - I think I had the torque setting on way to sensitive relative to speed and agility. There are several options in the app - Standard, Snow, City, Tour and custom. I ended up...
  6. S

    ST1-T vs. ST1-X: Anyone ridden both?

    I was in accident on my St1 so ended up buying the ST1-x as a replacement out of the insurance money. I must say, I was a little underwhelmed by everyone always comparing the ST1-x with the ST2... I realise those 2 bikes are "similar", but price points, they are world's apart, and I would...