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  1. C

    Bike storage

    Hello all, I just love my new bike. I went for a long bike ride with my friends the last day and my bike is really awesome. Yesterday I got a mail that I have to attend a meeting, so I'll have to go out of state next week. While I'm out of state, I would like to store my bike in a safe place. I...
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    Protecting My new bike from Theft

    Hello all, I am very glad to inform you all that I bought a new bike last Saturday. Since my friend has faced bike theft, I would like to take precaution. I happened to come across an article regarding safety measures to prevent vehicle theft...
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    Sure Berry.. He's better now. Yesterday he had pain in his knee joints. Today he said that he doesn't feel much pain. Hope that he'll get better soon:(
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    Hello all, Last month I had put a post here that my friend's bike was stolen. Fortunately he got it back 2 days ago. In order to celebrate this, he had arranged an party an on the way back to home, he had an accident. The bike was damaged and he broke his leg. How much will be the total expense...
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    One of my friend's electric bike was stolen last week. Theft in his locality is very common. So he's planning to install a security system in his outdoor. Which will be the best security system? Wired or wireless security system? Both of them have pros and cons...
  6. C

    last mile solution options?

    Great tip Glion
  7. C

    Hello all

    I'm Concetta Parsons from Canada. I'm a newbie here and I would like to share my thoughts and ideas with you all..