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  1. S

    e-bike conversion kit from SWYTCH

    I joined a crowd funding effort and put my money down on this great English conversion kit. 28' front wheel motor and 50 mile range. I gave up waiting and purchased ebikes for my wife and myself. Then 6 months later the SWYTCH arrived. Clearly I have no need of it. The 50 mile range versions are...
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    Hi there. I ordered the SWYTCH kit a year ago and did not totally understand the time frames crowd-sourced products worked under. Mine arrived in Feb! I had expected last July. So we ended up buying two great PIM bikes and now have the SWYTCH kit sitting unopened. Here is a link to the...
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    Hall Effect Current Reading

    I am wanting to monitor power usage on my longer trips as I know I may have an issue going back on a depleted battery. I drive an electric car and have an instantaneous measure of my power consumption. I would like the same on the bike. I know I have 5 bars as an indicator but to choose an...
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    If your bike goes into a slide, how should an older person with age-related limited mobility, respond?

    Sooner or later I know I will run over something in the leaves on the rail-trail, and start a slide! If I am doing 5 mph, I might deal with it. I still have very fast reflexes, but no clue how to more than pray if I was to be doing 10-12 mph and the bike initiated a slide. Some suggestions to...
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    New to hills. How to start up from a stop

    So far all the biking has been done on river-rail trails with little grade. Now my wife has an e-bike, we tackled the hills on the Blue Ridge Parkway. Once going, piece of cake! The problem is getting going without making a noisy getaway from the drive unit. We have PIM bikes with integrated...
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    Step-thru light bike able to handle gravel?

    I have a PIM e-bike which I really like accept for the weight. 60+ lbs which is too much for my wife to lift herself onto a car rack. Her classic English shopping bike is fine for biking alone but for us to go on 25 mile rides, we are separated by miles once the hills come in. Any suggestions...
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    Power/Amperage Monitoring

    My PIM bike has the usual 5 bar battery monitor which is fine but I realize that I could exceed my battery and I might not get back with a flat battery at my age and wanted to monitor how much power I actually use in PAS mode or regeneration mode. I purchased a very inexpensive HALL effect...
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    Slowing down to wife's regular bike speed

    Seems like a weird question but after biking rail-trails in VA with standard bikes, it has been easy to "bike together" Now I have a PIM e-bike, not so easy to drop down to 8 mph unless I use the -1, low regeneration mode of assist. I need the assist, especially on the return, upstream part. I...
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    Gravel and Steep Hills

    So I have a new e-bike: PIM. I also am 78 and having to learn e-biking. I live at the top of the Blue Ridge Parkway in VA and am surrounded by up and down. My local road is gravel and descends from my house on a 1/2 mile steep decline. Easy going down in -2 but coming up I had trouble. Part is...