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  1. R

    Are We Condemned to Strava?

    An anal one. Love data, but these days, biking is a leisure, no mind (except cadence) activity. Check and fill tires is about as exciting as I get. I do use Wahoo app to watch cadence and heart rate.
  2. R

    Are We Condemned to Strava?

    I feel like a lite-weight; no Strava, an ugly kickstand, motor not calibrated to .001 mph out of 20.
  3. R

    Any Ebike light battery recommended?

    I have a hard time defining "good looking" for a kick stand
  4. R

    19.5 mph top speed

    Seriously, does 19.5 vs. 20 stress people out? My Gazelle C380 gets tougher to pedal at 20; can do 21.5 for about 6 feet on the level. Have done 20 twice in 4 years. 1st to see if it would. 2nd to show my 11 y.o. grand daughter who was boss going up a hill.
  5. R

    Totally Nub Question Regarding Gear Changing

    Turn away from the hill, change to desired gear, turn back. Or get bike with CVT.
  6. R

    The Scoville Scale - Hot, Spicy Sauces!

    Just eat ice cream after so you know there is something cold coming out next!
  7. R

    2024 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

    From an Astronomy Club member last night. Great bino view, visible with naked eye.
  8. R

    Just for fun...

    My son commented they look like SouthPark aliens.
  9. R

    The Carrot Effect

    Aside from playing with assist levels when bikes were new, I've only used highest level once. First ride of the year, went too far (legs were done), had several miles to go, needed a bathroom badly. Went to full assist, highest gear, don't recall actual cadence ~50 or so (usual cadence is...
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    Just for fun...

    It is sad that he is the best viable choice this cycle.
  11. R

    Just for fun...

    It has always amazed me how many from US follow "news" from across the pond to learn about US issues. It's as if those outlets have better information than outlets in US.
  12. R

    Just for fun...

    Thank you for confirming you don't have the intellect to earn an advanced degree.
  13. R

    Just for fun...

    Don't forget the Northern Lights tonight (IA)
  14. R

    Just for fun...

    That doesn't read as fun.
  15. R

    Just for fun...

    I agree.
  16. R

    Gazelle Ultimate C-380 great bike

    My wife and I agree. The only downside we've found is the older I get, the heavier it gets when loading them into the van. We actually found it got even heavier when loading it after a 1.5 hour ride yesterday. Fairly flat ride, but the bridge over the Mississippi River has a fairly long uphill...
  17. R

    Just for fun...

    At least this is on "Just for fun" topic. Good job!
  18. R

    Just for fun...

    So you agree with the posted comment about her debate performance.👍