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  1. Richard Spensley

    Turbo 2015 base model Battery at 98%

    My battery has NEVER shown 100% charge. I've only owned the bike for a couple of months and it was a demo model (100kms on the odo when I bought it) but the battery never charges to 100%. Is this normal? I didn't think anything of it at first as I couldn't tell if I had just missed it being 100%...
  2. Richard Spensley

    Anybody feel numbness in their hands while riding?

    the Ergon GP2 grips helped me. The numbness is not as bad on the Turbo as on my old bike but this may be due to the reduced ride time for the same distance. I've found the stock saddle on the Turbo pretty good so far, no numb feet. I'm hoping that a rack and panniers will alleviate my arms...
  3. Richard Spensley

    Base Turbo battery rattle

    My new base Turbo also creaks from the bottom bracket / pedal crank. It started after about a week and it happens all the time. Warm weather here too. The shop have said that they will take it apart and lube/grease it fully as they said that the bikes are not always correctly lubed on...
  4. Richard Spensley

    New Turbo rider

    Hi everyone, just wanted to introduce myself properly as a new Turbo owner. Thanks to the conversations on this forum and the review from EBR I made the decision to buy a demo model base Turbo 2015 for a (reduced!) price of NZD$4500. I have been riding it for just over a week on my 19km each...
  5. Richard Spensley

    New owner of Turbo

    I'm another NZ Turbo owner :) in Auckland. Just bought the bike a week or so ago. Loving it!
  6. Richard Spensley

    Fender and Rack kit for Turbo Haven't tried it myself but it looks large enough
  7. Richard Spensley

    Fender and Rack kit for Turbo

    Hi Doug, can you please tell me what mirror you are using there? I'm interested in fitting the wing lights and a mirror but most of the mirrors I can find fit into the handlebar ends like the wing lights. Thanks, Richard