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  1. V

    Ebike suggestion in the range 800-1800$ for a guy in his thirties (first ebike)

    Thank you all! THank you harris for the hint on the brake. I am still a bit confused with the cadence sensor. You are saying that "A cadence sensor ebike will want to hit 10 mph or more as soon as the pedal movement is confirme ". But lets pick for example the Ride1up 500 which has 3 Levels of...
  2. V

    Ebike suggestion in the range 800-1800$ for a guy in his thirties (first ebike)

    I am in my thirties, I play soccer and beach volleyball and after a shower I do not wanna sweat again if I ride my bike downtown for a drink. The same if I have a fancy meeting in the morning and I need to dress up. I would like at least decide if I wanna sweat or not. I do not own a car and no...