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  1. eDean

    Easy Motion vs Bosch Second Generation Drive Systems

    Perfect compromise if you always want to exert effort when commuting. If you want the added benefit of no effort commuting on your ebike, then there is a compromise to be considered.
  2. eDean

    What's the Scorecard on Mid-drive?

    When I refer to complexity, it is about the complexity of the overall solution. I guess this can be good or bad. Higher complexity means that off warranty, the cost of repair/replacement will be high.
  3. eDean

    What's the Scorecard on Mid-drive?

    I have both a mid drive FS RX and rear hub Net Jet. The mid drive does not "revolutionize" the experience. I'm not sure the cost benefit is there yet. It is a very complex system.
  4. eDean

    Easy Motion vs Bosch Second Generation Drive Systems

    After owing an number of ebikes for a year now, this last weekend I used one bike to commute to my barber shop with the goal of doing as little effort as possible on my Neo Jet so I did not show up a sweaty mess, 6 miles round trip with some hills as I ride past NIH on Old Georgetown Road. I...
  5. eDean

    Haibike Fullcarbon

    If I loose 10 lbs of fat, do I basically turn my FS RX into that bike. Does it work that way?
  6. eDean

    Haibike Fullcarbon

    Compared to the Apple Watch EDITION this is a bargain.
  7. eDean

    350 watts or 500 watss

    A smaller motor will be lighter. Personally, I downgraded from 500w geared to 350w and don't miss the minor difference in acceleration as much as the improved experience due to the reduced unsprung weight and reduced noise.
  8. eDean

    Vibration at 16 mph

    @stevenast, I have had a vibration since the bike was new. It occurs at 16 mph on the dime goes away and comes back around 18 mph. To have it addressed the motor will need to be sent to Bosch given the LBS here was not able to do anything. I live in MD and the season is so short that I don't...
  9. eDean

    range test

    @PowerMe, three bars is not bad if you are in PAS 2+. It all depends on hills, wind, speed, and assist level. I wonder if it works like this, at 8 mph if there is assist then you are providing 6 mph of effort and then 2 mph of assist. If you go 12 mph, you are providing 8 mph of effort and...
  10. eDean

    Stromer Platinum Plus as mountain bike

    My 50 lbs Haibike is the most I would ever take on single track, would not want to go any heaver. at 5i0 lbs it is hard to push up hill, pick a line, and often loses traction going up hill on roots and takes some skill to recover. I would rather have a 40 lbs bike and forgo the rear...
  11. eDean

    Need new cranks for Haibike fx/rx

    That seems about right. Needed parts for my former Pedego and it took a few weeks. One, when did your LBS put in the order, two, how responsive is the manufacturer, and three, how soon does the LBS get back to you. In my case there were delays in each phase. I think the turn around was three...
  12. eDean

    range test

    This weekend I pulled my oldest 9 year old son, 75 lbs using the 2014 neo jet for 20 miles. I kept the speed pretty low since there is no suspension in the kid carrier. When I went up hill usually was in one of the lowest gears doing 8 mph or less with the motor helping at a low level. Used...
  13. eDean

    Walkmode on FS RX

    Now that I'm doing more off road work, there have been a few cases where I have had to walk the bike up steep sections with roots and could really have used this. The bike is pretty heavy when your footing is questionable.
  14. eDean

    How do you carry water when you ride your Haibike?

    I have a frame bag that can carry a water bottle but don't use it off road. For off road I use a very light weight washable backpack.
  15. eDean

    Test rides and 1st impressions

    I think they put the crap saddle because it keeps the weight down and it looks really good on the bike with its matching graphics. All about sales. Net Jet had the same sort of cardboard saddle as well. They get replaced immediately in my home.
  16. eDean

    range test

    I am seeing a very similar range on a '15 FS RX running knobby nicks at 50 psi. I notice that moving let's say from eco to touring can almost double the power usage (20% to 40% eyeballing it) and I get like 3 mph more maybe? Given that, your eco range would seem in the ball park. In three...
  17. eDean

    EBR Redesign: Requests, Ideas and Input

    Can you post larger images, these are too obfuscated.
  18. eDean

    Vibration at 16 mph

    @stevenast, a buzzy feeling is exactly what is feels like. You can feel in in the handle bar and the cranks.
  19. eDean

    Vibration at 16 mph

    Hi, My 2015 FS RX has a vibration at around 16 mph when pedaled. It is just at that speed. I am wondering if others have experienced anything like that. It appears to happen if there assist or not. I has something similar early on around 13 mph and the LBS said some of the mounting bolts...
  20. eDean

    ebike for hauling paddle board?

    Given how bulky solid SUP board are, have you considered an inflatable?