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  1. J

    Noisy Bafang hub motor

    To be clear, I don't mind the whine/hum noise. I assume that's somewhat normal. It's more of a click that happens around 18mph to 25mph that seems to match the wheel speed.
  2. J

    Noisy Bafang hub motor

    Let me know if your re-grease job fixed the noise. Mine certainly did not. What's weird about the spoke issue is that only one side is like that. The other side looks perfect. I'll measure and compare the spokes tomorrow.
  3. J

    Noisy Bafang hub motor

    I also noticed the j hook part of the spokes do not look properly seated on the non-freewheel side of the rear wheel. 🤔
  4. J

    Noisy Bafang hub motor

    Ok, got a puller long enough to pull the rotor. Everything looks good to me. Couldn't see any evidence of contact between the rotor and the magnets. I also tested each magnet for looseness and didn't spot any looseness. I'm kind of at a loss as to what could cause the noise at this point...
  5. J

    Noisy Bafang hub motor

    I'm new to e-bikes, but am an avid mountain biker and do a decent amount of repairs/maintenance myself. 1000W Bafang hub motor, bike is an Ariel Rider X-Class 52V. Bike had about 40 miles on it when I purchased it used. About 70 miles on it now. Motor makes a sound (almost like a click)...