Search results

  1. drzmat

    Fat bike for short riders

    I am looking seriously at Bixtrix, surface 604 and juiced options. I was looking at the pedego 24" as well but looking at the specs, i just cant understand why its so expensive compared to the others. Availability is a concern as well, bixtrix duo hub drive ships in july only, juiced doesnt...
  2. drzmat

    Fat bike for short riders

    I can do maintenance and mechanical stuff no problem. i dont mind ordering online and take care of the bike myslef/ordering parts..... But i was looking more at an e-bike to start with, and modify later if needed....
  3. drzmat

    Fat bike for short riders

    Yeah ive seen tons of those bikes, they looks more like toys and the 20" wheels seems less than ideal for offroad.... My last regular bike was an old 17" frame specialized FSR back in the days that i was using for cross country/downhill, the size was ok so im not necessarily looking for a...
  4. drzmat

    Fat bike for short riders

    Hi guys, i am looking for my first e-bike, probably a FAT bike since i would like to use it all year long, and that means snow in winter for us, we have some nice dedicated trails in my area. I will mostly ride with my wife and 3 kids(6y twins and 9y) so i dont need a fancy expensive ultra...