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  1. B

    Help with building BIG E FAT BIKE FÜR 6‘9 TAll GUy

    thanks timpo, if i would be so rich i would not look forums:))! they are enough custom bikes builders but price is ???(5.000 for a bike?!?) for that money i can bulid 2/3 good ones.Yes i wanna have frame under 300€ (can build it,paint it,fix it alone).I would invest money in motor/baterries.I...
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    Help with building BIG E FAT BIKE FÜR 6‘9 TAll GUy

    If somebody who does frames can help would be good.I wanna copy this frame(xxl) as my body is max 208 cm.I would buy tubes and make it alone.I found good web site in usa and i would order it( ).It’s so much choice i have a...
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    Help with building BIG E FAT BIKE FÜR 6‘9 TAll GUy

    Thanks for the answer.I was looking for befang bbshd mid drive ...I think it’s good for all round with decent battery.If you have any another opinions let me know,thanks.
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    Help with building BIG E FAT BIKE FÜR 6‘9 TAll GUy

    Thanks Tempo, gonna look it but still 6´9 and 6´3 big difference . I'm athlete too.)
  5. B

    Help with building BIG E FAT BIKE FÜR 6‘9 TAll GUy

    Hey guys.Wanna build alone some(friend is battery guy) fat e bike.As you can imagine to buy something in my size is f. expensive just custom’s a challenge i wanna do with my friend.My weight is 120 kg(250? ).Just wanna tips what engine to use,frame i know i need 60 cm ST (my current...