Search results

  1. CCroft

    Enviolo or Rohloff?

    Zen emailed me that the front chainring is 55T and the rear cog is 22T. Based on your experience with Ultra + Rohloff, what do you think of that combo?
  2. CCroft

    Unicorn search? Off-road fat step-through + internal hub?

    Well I’ve given this some more thought, as well as tried to research/inform myself more about what’s out there, and I’ve decided that all things considered, the advantages of a Rohloff setup outweigh the disadvantages. And importantly, after looking into the gearing issue in more detail, it...
  3. CCroft

    Unicorn search? Off-road fat step-through + internal hub?

    Nice bike! So when you say "Shimano 5-speed," what exactly are you referring to? Thanks!
  4. CCroft

    Unicorn search? Off-road fat step-through + internal hub?

    Mmm...good point on needing a safe match between the e-motor and the hub. It could be that there just isn't a quiet enough hub option that can handle the kind of motor torque I need for my off-road biking. You're right antboy on my riding style. I'm pretty careful, both to protect my photo...
  5. CCroft

    Unicorn search? Off-road fat step-through + internal hub?

    Thank you for your reply. You're right, I don't have a good reason to be against the torque sensing, particularly since I haven't ridden a bike/motor with it. I was just imagining that it might be an issue as far as loss of control over challenging terrain (where I current use mostly...
  6. CCroft

    Unicorn search? Off-road fat step-through + internal hub?

    Hello! I’m looking for what might be unicorn, but wanted to see if anyone has ideas/suggestions. I’m a backcountry nature photographer/trail camera enthusiast and have been using a BBSHD-converted fat tire e-bike for several years now to get to rough/remote locations. I’ve spent enough time on...
  7. CCroft

    Giant Roam (or Rove) E+ for gravel with hills, light off-road/trail?

    Hello all, 'Helping the wife choose her first ebike and this "adventure" style bike seems to check all the boxes for a good "all-around" bike. My main concern is whether it has sufficient power/torque for some hilly gravel riding and occasional moderate hilly off-road (two-track) now and then...
  8. CCroft

    Please Suggest Most Comfortable Saddle

    Have you had a chance to try out the Infinity saddle Mr. Coffee? Your setup and riding is similar to mine...I'm interested in your impressions of the Infinity off the pavement.
  9. CCroft

    Why Put 12 Speed Groups On Bafang Ultra Bikes?

    For what it's worth...I'm riding a 26" fatbike that I did the BBSHD conversion on back in 2017. I'm an amateur naturalist, and my riding is largely off-road and off-trail in search of interesting flora and fauna--similar conditions/expectations to what some of the "hunting bikes" are aiming at...
  10. CCroft

    Handlebar Bags : Experiences & Recommendations

    My situation/needs are probably different than most, but I'll chime in with my experience for what it's worth. Much of my riding is off-road and sometimes a little off-trail. I have a large rack/bag in the back, but I wanted a bag in the front for my DSLR so I could access it quickly/easily...
  11. CCroft

    What mirror do you use?

    Nice. I have Ergon GP5s. Is this model what they have listed on their website as Part #20MIR?
  12. CCroft

    Handlebar Bags : Experiences & Recommendations

    A well-timed thread here since I'm looking for a new front bag; my current one (Iberra quick-release) just broke yesterday. What I need: a bag that is rigid/durable enough to carry my mid-size camera (Sony RX10, size about 5" x 4" x 5" and 2.5 lbs) over fairly rough/bumpy off-road terrain. I...
  13. CCroft

    EggRider for Bafang Ultra?

    Yes, that's what seemed to be happening. I'd navigate away from the Eggrider app/screen to use another app, and when I came back to it, mileage, etc. had not continued to be logged, etc. Using the phone as a display was never something I had planned to do, however, so I didn't troubleshoot...
  14. CCroft

    EggRider for Bafang Ultra?

    Hi smorgasboard! Have you had a chance to do many rides with your phone as Eggrider display while running these other apps/tasks? I've not done that many times, but the few times I did the Eggrider display didn't work real well. It didn't appear to run in the background or when I switched...
  15. CCroft

    EggRider for Bafang Ultra?

    I've never heard of anyone of connecting both at the same time but I'd like to if it were possible. I like the analytics the Eggrider provides, but as a usable display/controller it is not very good in my opinion (check out this video where another user offers some first impressions)...
  16. CCroft

    Is this bike good for conversion to BBSHD e-bike?

    Hi Almin, I'm not experienced enough to provide a good answer to your question. I just wanted to recommend that if you haven't already, post your question to one of the forums over at, where there's lots of discussion of installing BBSHD kits onto specific...
  17. CCroft

    Why are Brooks Saddles known for comfort?

    Not sure where you're at, but I bought one of these 'damaged' tins from an eBay seller from UT. Arrived in a few days and the tin itself looked fine; maybe it ordinarily comes with some other packaging that is missing with the tin, but the tin/proofide was fine and the price was right :)
  18. CCroft

    Want to buy: Lekkie Bling chainring 42T

    Sounds like most folks who buy these like them/keep them, but if you have one you're not wanting to keep for whatever reason, let me know what we can work out. Thanks!
  19. CCroft

    Why are Brooks Saddles known for comfort?

    Hey thanks Jaxx--I appreciate it!
  20. CCroft

    Why are Brooks Saddles known for comfort?

    A question for you Brooks-riders... My B67 'aged'/'softened' comes with instructions to not apply Proofide to the top like you would the standard Brooks models. I live in a relatively drier climate and I would think that some kind of moisturizing treatment to the top from time to time would be...