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  1. C

    Giant No Longer a Value Brand? A Tale of Two Similar E-bikes, Two Years & $900 apart

    i didn’t read through all the replies, but if nobody mentioned it, bicycle import tariffs recently increased and this is likely the issue.
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    Giant AUTO Mode: A No Go

    Auto mode, before Giant messed it up, was great for mtn bike riding. Now it takes too long to kick in. When I am trying to start up steep hill, I need immediate torque assistance. Don't have time to get my cadence up. I mostly ride in level 2 or 3 now. BTW, the Gamin EBIKE IQ app now works...
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    Giant powering off repeteadly

    Have them check the speed sensor wiring as I noted in previous post. Did your LBS run diagnostics?
  4. C

    Fathom 2020 Pro SUDDEN OFF!!

    My 2020 Trance E+ was doing the same thing. Turned out to be bad wiring for the speed sensor. Wires were crushed, I guess during manufacturing. They replaced the sensor w/cable and have not had any problems since. I would take it in to your LBS.
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    Ride Control Firmware

    You can use the mobile app to dial down the amount of boost provided for each of the 5 levels. This might allow you to tune the level of assist to match your desired level of effort.
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    Ride Control Firmware

    Even with pedaling at higher cadence, auto never seems to give more boost that level 3. I’ve given up on auto for now and mostly use levels 2 and 3. I did use level 4 to zip up a gravel road to the top of the mountain.
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    Ride Control Firmware

    Yes, that appears to what I am experiencing. I have to shift to a lower gear to get more e-assist, which is due to the higher cadence. I hope they fix this because when I try to start up on a steep hill from a stopped position there is not enough boost to get moving. It was all working great...
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    Water bottle for a Trance

    Amazon sells an adapter that repositions the cage mount screws. It's adjustable and let me move the bottle cage down about 1" which helped a lot. You can search on "bottle cage adapter". I also bough a Dankin waist water pack. Basically Camelbak for the waist. I just rode with it and...
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    Ride Control Firmware

    I have the same problems with Automode on sw 20191231000 / hw 20190100000. Ticked me off. I made one loop of a local trail and wanted to get a more accurate battery reading so I opened the app. It required me to do the update. Then I could see battery level. When I started riding, Automode...
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    Anybody have experience with the "Automatic" setting on the RideControl ONE?

    Using the phone app you can change the % boost for each level of auto mode. I also suggest making sure you are using the same gears and cadence when making comparisons. I tend to ride much faster up hills in auto mode because the motor keeps kicking in more boost to match my effort.
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    Anybody have experience with the "Automatic" setting on the RideControl ONE?

    Regarding various settings, you can easily feel how much the motor is kicking in during your ride. You can optimize battery life by doing more work on your own, but of course, enjoy the benefits of the motor. I recently flew up a gravel road to the top of a mountain and I could tell that the...
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    Anybody have experience with the "Automatic" setting on the RideControl ONE?

    I have a Trance E+ Pro and battery life has been very good. So far, I have just run it in Auto mode and then shifting gears is not about work effort, but more a matter of how fast I want to go combined with cadence that I want to spin at. Overall effort required from me remains constant and...
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    Battery strap/holder options?

    I bought a photography light box stand bag from ebay. They come in a variety of sizes. Found one close to my Giant E+ Trance Pro battery size. Black canvas with handles and a shoulder strap. I bring my battery in because I live where it is cold in the winter. Very sturdy bag.
  14. C

    Giant powering off repeteadly

    I have the same bike and the had same problem. The issue was damaged speed sensor wiring. Dealer showed be the frayed wires. It appears that this was a mfg issue as the place where the wire was damaged was not exposed. Dealer replaced it no-charge under warranty. No problems since then.