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  1. fauconnier

    No Zooz owners ?

    Take a look at the used BMX parts on E-Bay. They are numerous and expensive. It seems that the BMX nostalgia is a good market.
  2. fauconnier

    No Zooz owners ?

    The blending of the common battery and the custom seat is appealing.
  3. fauconnier

    Where would you put the battery ?

    Fist place that came to my mind.
  4. fauconnier

    Help choosing Ebike for a tall rider

    Take a look at the 3 Sondors mid-drive, they have a large frame, huge motor, big battery and throttle.
  5. fauconnier

    In the market for a new e-bike, suggestions please

    Sondors sells 3 models of big mid drive bikes for 6'3" like you with powerful motors and huge batteries.
  6. fauconnier

    Known Issues & Problems with Michael Blast Products + Help, Solutions & Fixes

    My Greaser Goodtimes display is broken. Did someone succeed to replace the Goodtimes by something else ? Do you know the protocol the Goodtimes use ?
  7. fauconnier

    Quickest/cheapest way to upgrade my current ebike for a little more top speed?

    You can try your bike set up with a b(o)rrowed 52v battery. In theory you should get 8% more watts and your motor will turn faster. I don't know if it will be enough for 4 additional mph.
  8. fauconnier

    New to Ebike

    Metacycle !
  9. fauconnier

    Interesting Requirements - Electric Trike?

    Why not just keep the Daymak and replace the 3 brakes by hydraulic ones ?
  10. fauconnier

    Retrofit of my (now) bluish, purplish bike!

    It's not a banana bike ! no banana seat ! no ape hanger handlebar ! no huge bar shifter !
  11. fauconnier

    The weakest link for me: the chargers

    A truly smart charger should control the battery cells individually, charging time and total voltage is not a guarantee of a good balanced charge. The way the battery cells are soldered to the battery monitor system dictates the charge process. My advice would be to trust your BMS and charger...
  12. fauconnier

    New rider confession: my butt hurts

    Padded underwear for long or bumpy trail ride is a must for me.
  13. fauconnier

    Electronic Anemometer

    What about a 30gr. nail clipper, long toe nails are a pain in the as* in bike shoes :)
  14. fauconnier

    Electronic Anemometer

    64 gr. , I know I have one and it's the last thing I would bring on a ride. I bought one for drones and falconry and never used it. My own perception of the wind is accurate enough.
  15. fauconnier

    Electronic Anemometer

    Utility doesn't even outweigh the added weight.
  16. fauconnier

    My Electrical people… I need battery help

    I don't think you should expect a lot better from this battery. Your controller can draw, wide open throttle, 52.4V x 18AH = 936 Watts/hour and your full battery 524 Watts/hour, that is less than 1/2 hour of wide open throttle before the BMS cut.
  17. fauconnier

    My controller uses a ring terminal for the battery but my battery has an XT60

    Ask someone to make one for you. Look locally for a hobby shop, bike shop, mechanic, RC club, Auto parts....
  18. fauconnier


    It's Lithium batteries should overcome that without any damages.