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  1. Curious George

    Amego Infinite operators manual

    Might be something I will look into...Thanks. My bike arrives ordered as there are no shops around that carry it. Frankly...I liked it in the videos, in comparison to others at this...or even higher..price point. But...I will be doing some assembly. I’ve ordered regular bikes...
  2. Curious George

    Amego Infinite operators manual

    Hi...I’m solid or rugged is that basket?
  3. Curious George

    EVELO Galaxy TT with NuVinci Harmony Review

    Since we are almost the same size.....I am curious as to what range you are getting now that you’ve ridden it a bit.
  4. Curious George

    Responding to bike-on-ebike harassment

    “Hey...that’s cheating!”....Me: “Why, Yes.....yes it is”. And I continued on my way in a peaceful, expedient fashion. Second Time, same guy. “Hey....where can I get one of those things?” And I proceeded to discuss a few things and pointed out this site. True Story.
  5. Curious George

    Is e-Biking Cheating?

    Don’t take this the wrong way but.....who cares? No excuses are necessary. Is using a word processor instead of a typewriter “cheating”? Anything that gets you out there and riding, or makes the longer, more difficult rides possible is a gift. Never mind those with physical challenges that are...