Search results

  1. Berry78

    Possible to make an Ebike go 75+ mph?

    Please call 1800 273 8255. They should help you. (National Suicide Prevention Hotline)
  2. Berry78

    Good day

    You've got your hands full! Love your creative setup. That little finger..." Dad is #1!"
  3. Berry78

    Good day

    Welcome! Love to see pics of your bikes/setup...
  4. Berry78

    Try Felt and Specialized. Any comment on Stromer...?

    Welcome! Best thing is to do what you have been. Try out the bikes. It is great that your commute would be the same either way... get your exercise, and save on bus fares. Keep us informed!
  5. Berry78

    Stomer - Stolen and resold

    If the bike was received at the shop, then it was stolen from the shop, it should be the shop that files a police report, not you. I'm afraid Dr. Collie is probably right in recommending you get a lawyer. It may be ok to wait to see if the credit card company gets your money back, but if too...
  6. Berry78

    Stomer - Stolen and resold

    I wouldn't hesitate to have Stromer lock the bike. If a legitimate customer bought the bike, they'll be bringing it back to the shop. If an employee took the bike (my guess), then at least he/she won't be able to use it. However, if a new owner was assigned, would Stromer even be willing to...
  7. Berry78

    Vomit Bike Lock

    This is a great idea! ... Of course, after they become common, bike thieves will come equipped with gas masks...
  8. Berry78

    Wow...Don't put away your regular bike.

    If you could keep up a conversation while riding (not breathless), then you are burning about 400 calories/hour. If you are working harder than that...probably 600 cal/hour. Your heart rate/breathing tells you alot.
  9. Berry78

    I'm Back - I Want to Buy a New Ebike

    Welcome back! I'm sure lots has changed since you were last shopping. Court has a zillion reviews, hope you find what you're looking for!
  10. Berry78

    Happy Birthday to Court!

    Whoo hoo... a year older and wiser... may the next year bring on the good stuff!
  11. Berry78

    Bikes and Cars Can Coexist. Book Demonstrates How, Despite its Misleading Title

    I've only been through New York city once, by accident. But, I wonder what the city would be like if all the cars were banned. Maybe have an extended trolley system, bikes, etc.
  12. Berry78

    24 lb. (!) 16" folding e-bike

    Very cool. Thanks!
  13. Berry78

    3 of my top choices: your help is requested

    Over50, but now the most important, burning question... what color? Lol! I wish they had a compare feature on their website.
  14. Berry78

    Electric bike shuts down when going up hill.

    Here is a thread that might be worth the read It may be your battery after all. Specifically JoePah's comments.
  15. Berry78

    Choosing pedago or igo

    Excellent! I also tried a city commuter, and it is a solid bike.
  16. Berry78

    Electric bike shuts down when going up hill.

    Can the shop put on a loaner battery to try? I'm wondering if the new controller is programmed wrong to limit the motor's output. IE, keeping the motor to a max output, and if it goes above that, to cut it off. Maybe this is a setting that can be changed.
  17. Berry78

    Why no drop handlebars?

    Drop bars exchange road view for aerodynamics. The motor allows the rider to keep his head up. Of course for those that prefer the drop bar, it is great that they are becoming available.
  18. Berry78

    Choosing pedago or igo

    Awesome! Thanks for chiming in, Dave.
  19. Berry78

    Anyone familiar with Wallerang and Riese & Muller?

    I got to ride the Wallerang too! Felt great! Loved the IGH/belt combo. The frame felt bulletproof, super solid. Great brakes. Whole package. Only thing I would change is a bit less aggressive handlebars.