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  1. BarnBoy

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    Got a wee bit more of a ride in today with a slight modification to the loop from yesterday. In the process, I was able to climb a hill that I was unable to climb with the old SLA batteries (I am not in better shape; unless ROUND is a shape!). My new meter up at my bars indicated the internal...
  2. BarnBoy

    Show us pictures of your cockpit!

    Here is my simple EVG cockpit. I added a Drok battery gage with USB ports. Unlike other motorcycle mount USB ports with volt meter, this actually works and allows selection of the Li-Ion pack (2s-7s). So basically I ride until voltage at rest is 75% and then head home. Today I got about a mile...
  3. BarnBoy

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    Short ride today, but it started as all my rides do, from the barn with my petting zoo of x4 alpacas, x4 sheep and x3 goats…. (chickens are off getting bugs…) I was really worried about the wind today so only did 16 miles and burned 95Wh of power. I have a power meter on the old EVG case to...
  4. BarnBoy

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    Got a call from the good LBS (SuperFly) in P-Town and my wheel rebuild was done a day earlier than planned. So slapped it all back together and did 21.6 miles with 104Wh used. As of now I am limited to <140Wh on my single 💩 Okoman 6s5p pack. This about to change…. (More toys on order for my...
  5. BarnBoy


    Thank you, but not what the video shows at 8:15 minutes…. So maybe multiple tags??? -BB or do the instructions say to remove battery??
  6. BarnBoy


    At minute 8:15 the gal-theif uses her phone to scan the Airtag and mentions she has the ability to disable it. This feature has me concerned…. Still waiting for wife to say yes. Engraving is 4 characters (??) max. Best to use a single emoji…(IDK!) -BB
  7. BarnBoy

    I have a shipping label!!!

    I have had EXCELLENT results with… -BB
  8. BarnBoy


    @Merle Nelson - thanks for 1st video you mentioned and spoon feeding. Have you ever used Find My (formerly Find Friends)? Tracking family members (my daughter’s!) has about the same performance as this Air Tag. And if the thief gets notified at home or common travels spots like stash house, hope...
  9. BarnBoy


    @Merle Nelson -Looks like post #67 above….. 🤣 -BB
  10. BarnBoy

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    So after my exciting ride above I discovered I broke x2 rear spokes. I will write about my recent suffering of fools once the dust settles and I am back up and running, next week. I was able to take one of my mistakes work and made a ride. Unfortunately I broke x2 more old spokes so sent the...
  11. BarnBoy


    Sorry to ask @Merle Nelson but would you mind spoon feeding me the bad since all I find is positive hype?? -BB
  12. BarnBoy


    OK, I think I am convinced.... (low cost experiment!) -BB
  13. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    Hello again! First tidbit of information that maybe handy is the rear 24V motor uses 212mm 13gage spokes on either side. I will have ton of spares...😵 So in the down time I made a couple of resistor battery loads to test the Okoman and other batteries. I also got the power meter. It is rather...
  14. BarnBoy

    Forum Features: Your Opinion Wanted!

    How about an “Envy” like rank? Thou shall not covet thy neighbor, but you can sure be jealous of your neighbors bike! 🤡 -BB
  15. BarnBoy

    What mods have you done to lighten your Ebike

    LMFAO- removed two SLA batteries and replaced them with Li-Ion packs. Saved 4kg and have now gone further on one of the two packs purchased than the previous SLA series solution.... -BB
  16. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    @kauaikit - you must be laughing at me real hard by now. If not you, every LBS in the Pleasanton - Diablo Valley area is laughing at me. I bought a HG41 7speed cassette thinking that would work; WRONG! All LBS told me a 28-11 is not available. I know you showed me several on ePay and thus have...
  17. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    Hi @kauaikit - hopefully I will get all questions answered... I think I just stupidly pressed Cruze Control last time and drained the battery. It went to 32% after charger was attached and I suspect the pack BMS reset. On my test yesterday 59% of 28Ah is (0.41 * 28 =>) 11.5Ah of of use. I...
  18. BarnBoy

    What The Europeans Have Planned For The EMTB World

    And speaking of a wiry Euro on a powerful eBike, have you ever seen Danny MacAskill play on a ebike??? The man is crazy..... -BB
  19. BarnBoy

    Our Rides in Words, Photos & Videos

    Wow @Stefan Mikes - almost looks like pre-COVID photos there; SO NICE TO SEE! Sorry for no photos today. Canadian geese and Mallard ducks in muc ponds was not photogenic.... But I have exciting news to report. My 1999 EVG did more consecutive miles than she ever has done before. I just did...
  20. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    Hi @kauaikit - I just got back from my first successful ride. So today she did more miles continuous than she has ever done before ; 26 miles (42km) and still had 59% battery left (62% after resting). I suspect I just turned on the Cruise Control and sucked up the battery without thinking. And I...