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  1. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    Looking at the wording, sounds like the units I used (check above photos). As you noted, your motor is 400W at 24V (16.6A). A 7s pack will vary from 29.4V to 22.4V (100-20%} so current and power to motor is higher. To compensate, I use two packs in virtual parallel (diodes) to get higher start...
  2. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    @sbaussie - I can tell you now that a 38Ah pack is total BS! That would be a 38/5 => 7.6Ah cell, and that doesn’t exist in 18650 nor 21700 cells…. The Dakota batteries are new chem that is the Next Big Thing especially in the solar industry. They are near perfect SLA replacements but with a...
  3. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s 24V EVG Battery Improvement Project…

    Hi Mike and welcome to the forum. So what color did you find??? Show pictures please!!! Long story short I tried and failed with cheap batteries with claims of unrealistic performance 6s5p packs. @kauaikit convinced my second attempt to be 7s5p packs. I have two packs tied together with diodes...
  4. BarnBoy

    Hydra incoming...

    All- more info for your laughter… Got notice the bike is in the Bay Area the same day I put all my FedEx packages on vacation hold. My father in-law died unexpectedly so now I am closer to the source than I am my bike… All part of the new bike curse (can’t ride them once you get them!!) -BB
  5. BarnBoy

    Hydra incoming...

    No doubt in my mind that using would have been a better choice for @pushkar. I have used them very successfully in the past for wheels. Other buddies have used them for frames… All good, crazy times…. -BB
  6. BarnBoy

    Hydra incoming...

    All, an update! No estimates for delivery, only map and location updates every 12 hours at 11-ish. I can honestly say, it has never been closer… 😂 Be Patient or Mellow!!! -BB
  7. BarnBoy

    Hydra incoming...

    I have to laugh as I got notice last Monday that my Hydra was due to arrive October 29…then October 30 and quickly October 31 (still says that on FedEx page). So I called FedEx and they told me it is due to arrive to my house today. About 15 minutes later I got the update below…. I DON’T THINK...
  8. BarnBoy

    The "UNOFFICIAL" Hydra FAQ thread....

    Hello All- long time no write. Does anyone recognize the photos below? Given that the weather girl announced that Northern California can expect a series of fire ending rain storms, I know what @pushkar said is real. Due to ship soon. Stay tuned!! -BB Answer: Look at pseudo-photo on post #1…..
  9. BarnBoy

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    A good friend sent me this video of some cool new Google Euro bike tech. Before you ask the same questions he asked, please read the comments…. -BB
  10. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s Realmax SX-13, 8kW eScooter Adventures….

    Oh- I see now you have deleted ALL of your posts referencing “Hydra” and how much “paka-lolo” you will get with one. You only kept your posts that got feedback... Done! Welcome to IGNORE…. -BB
  11. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s Realmax SX-13, 8kW eScooter Adventures….

    @Rome - you clearly do not understand and I do not know why I even try to help you with your constant disrespect here and elsewhere. I provided you the Hawaii Motorcycle Handbook that defines the typical three class system for ebikes; almost identical to the California Motorcycle Handbook. It...
  12. BarnBoy

    Law and Order and Cycling

    @PDoz - you forgot “Potato” and thus Vodka and fries!!! -BB
  13. BarnBoy

    Law and Order and Cycling -BB
  14. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s Realmax SX-13, 8kW eScooter Adventures….

    @Rome - try reading this link…. -BB
  15. BarnBoy

    Forum Features: Your Opinion Wanted!

    OMGoodness @troehrkasse - I didn’t recognize you in your new avatar!!! I have a desired feature! Don’t let authors delete their posts or limit the number of posts they can delete. This is a public forum! As a member you signed a waiver!! Posts are contributions to the forum and its members…...
  16. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s Realmax SX-13, 8kW eScooter Adventures….

    @Rome - The ones you were showing in your photo were Bird/Lime like rental eScooters that are common in Silly Valley - San Francisco and other big city’s on the Mainland. They might not go as fast as mine, but they are defined as motorized scooters as per the reference I provided for you in the...
  17. BarnBoy

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    Too late, already defined in your handbook too. But at least you need a scooter license….. And again check out some simple jargon on page iv…. -BB
  18. BarnBoy

    SHOW us YOUR PIX here .... Odd, WeiRd ,UnUSuAl or EyE CaTchIng things from your rides

    @Rome - some light reading 4U. This is from the California Motorcycle Handbook. Section of interest is “Motorized Scooter”. You can thank Bird, Lime and other scooter rentals for this crazy loophole. I think most states are the same. You may find the other definitions interesting. What does...
  19. BarnBoy

    BarnBoy’s Realmax SX-13, 8kW eScooter Adventures….

    Hello folks! Today is a show and tell day. Here I show a successful use of dynamic balancing beads to balance the SX-13. And while in the stand, I observed some faults that give me clues where the wiring issue still remains and might be. So what are balancing beads? These are little ceramic...