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  1. scrambler

    First Impressions Vado 5 IGH Automatiq

    Yes the manual shifter can be sensitive to its adjustment. This is one benefit of the electronic shifting regardless of the preference for automatic or manual.
  2. scrambler

    Unboxing and assembling

    You are right lithium battery no not have any memory effect. This was the good old days of NiMh batteries :)
  3. scrambler

    Ultra install problems

    There is most likely not enough space, but one way to lock the Anderson connector is to pass a small zip tie between the wires, then across the connector and between the wires on the other side. If a small zip tie is too big, you can use a small nylon string to do the same and prevent the...
  4. scrambler

    Ultra install problems

    Ideally, it would be good to connect and test that everything works before fitting the motor in the frame.
  5. scrambler

    Badasse Box, Euro Bikes Go 30% Faster

    I think it is a LamTo Bismol :)
  6. scrambler

    Juggernaut Ultra DUO 3 in blue, arrived more purple, Biktrix made it right.

    I am sure that will be a great relief to them :)
  7. scrambler

    Activate throttle in power assist 0

    If the controller programming does not allow it, but pedal assist programing is available, programming a level asssist 1 at the lowest possible assist is a substitute solution (assuming the controller does not limit the throttle max power to the PAS max power....
  8. scrambler

    Activate throttle in power assist 0

    Did you contact Himiway? Did you inspect the programing on the bike that has the throtle in mode zero and compare it with the programing of the other one? Eventually if you set mode 1 to the minimum (20), you should be close to what you want to
  9. scrambler

    My Hydra's Kindernay hub is leaking

    If it is a new hub, they are noisier when new, so it should quiet over time.
  10. scrambler

    An Ebike for My Better Half?

    There is a dedicated Step thru thread you may be interested in reviewing.
  11. scrambler

    Como 5.0 LGH 1st day.

    It is actually flaming on two grounds: First the issue the OP describes (no electrical power) is not a systemic well know highly frequent problem on the bike. Second it definitely has NOTHING to do with the IGH which is a mechanical gear box that has Zero effect on electrical power delivery...
  12. scrambler

    Activate throttle in power assist 0

    also look at the numerous video on yourube regarding programming of the Himiway controller like below Gives a link to a manual That has a section describing the throttle programing
  13. scrambler

    Activate throttle in power assist 0

    Depending on the controller, it may or may not be possible. The fact one of the bike does tends to indicate the controller can indeed do it. Whether you have access to that option (if it is a possibility in the controller) would be a question for the manufacturer or the programming manual.
  14. scrambler

    'Zen Skunkworks' - a new model in the development

    As long as you mentioned the damage on the UPS delivery paper in writing and made a copy, he can place a claim with them.
  15. scrambler

    Sourcing items for retrofitting

    says they can't ship to the US because of specialized restrictions...
  16. scrambler

    'Zen Skunkworks' - a new model in the development

    So Two questions... Can we buy that bike? Could it be configured with the Enviolo and automatic? @Gionnirocket, you rascal, we want to hear from you on the bike :)
  17. scrambler

    Vote! Do you like old or new color layout for forum?

    Chrome has an automatic dark Theme for web sites you can enable They are supposed to have a per web site option, but I could not make it work There is also supposedly...
  18. scrambler

    2023 - Our Rides in Words, Photos, Maps and Videos

    My sister who lived in New Caledonia use to complain she was cold in the 20C "cold" winters while wearing a short sleeve T shirt.... Have you tried long sleeve T shirts I asked :)
  19. scrambler

    VERY disappointed with my new 2023 Specialized Turbo Como 3.0

    "be curious, not Judgmental" :)
  20. scrambler

    My Hydra's Kindernay hub is leaking

    I would ask Kindernay to keep you posted on their findings for the leak (if they would accept...)