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  1. dblhelix

    Second Battery Solution For Topstone Neo Carbon

    Tangle owner here. I’d protect the top tube with some clear frame tape.
  2. dblhelix

    Upgrading my Dual Battery 2018 Delite Mountain, drive train and suspension

    Wishing you a speedy full recovery. I also have a pair of Johnny Watts tires but still sitting in the shipping box. Looking forward to your comments.
  3. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    My assumption is that their business plan is something along the lines of, “there’s always another buyer.” I recently double-checked the archives, just to be sure, for my 2019 R&M. It says: Brakes: MT4. My LBS (non-e) tells me I have MT2 and only the levers are MT4 as the cheap plastic MT2...
  4. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    I’d wait to compare to your bike with the replacement motor+fixes. Hopefully your previous experience becomes a bad memory. Does the shop need the additional two weeks for the motor swap, or for the tensioner wear issue? I’ve always wanted a realistic estimate on downtime should I need a motor...
  5. dblhelix

    Improved service on the horizon from R&M?

    Going to bet NicolaI, as they were the first with Gates+NuVinci+Bosch in collaboration with Grace according to Gates: I see references to Nicolas+IGH+Gates going back to 2014.
  6. dblhelix

    Improved service on the horizon from R&M?

    You’re making my point as all Rohloff R&Ms are equipped with E-14. Yours must be 2017-2018. And the Levo conversion performed by Rohloff-AUS is manual as well. Has it caught on?
  7. dblhelix

    Improved service on the horizon from R&M?

    I think R&M deserves design kudos for their original bike, the Birdy (non-e, folding, full suspension) and current models like the Load. I don’t think it’s trivial to put together the Load. To the rest of your points, I largely agree. Before ebikes, Rohloff was a niche product, and now on...
  8. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    Co-sign. I think they are rushing tech to market w/o adequate QC. I can appreciate that it’s tough being the leader. You spend all of the blood, sweat & tears just to see a lot of imitators who can then afford to do it cheaper after you did the R&D. It’s a tough position, but I can’t help but...
  9. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    That’s really good news. I appreciate that @JVBulman and @marcparnes took the time to help out with their knowledge/reference images. Many people here know that I have been a Propel customer/fan since 2017. By and large, it has been an excellent experience. Unfortunately, some situations...
  10. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    I have had the same experience at Propel. I can see something is worn/needs replacing and am told it’s fine the way it is. Re: Nyon — was it old or new Nyon? What was the specific parameter? Like a frictional force? I will ck my Nyon. Just realized, it’s probably related to ABS, which does not...
  11. dblhelix

    10.000 km with the SuperDelite 2020 (and counting)

    David — I did a Google search and see that you suffered an error 595 at one time. How was the problem solved?
  12. dblhelix

    500wh battery swap between Superdelite and Nevo 3?

    I believe the Nevo3 battery is the horizontal type, while the SD is vertical, so your plan won’t work. Double-check with your dealer.
  13. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    I sometimes read a German site like this one. What I’ve learned is that there are a lot of problems that arise due to assembly errors at the factory. As a result, a lot of the issues are often one-offs due to random human error instead of systematic errors that can be quickly identified and...
  14. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    The ppl who post here tend to be high mileage riders, so naturally we have more issues. As high mileage riders, we are probably anxious to see problems resolved. I have pushed for getting more technical documentation from R&M for a very long time. R&M has posted the user manuals we get, but I’m...
  15. dblhelix

    SuperDelite 2020 Rohloff HS Issues & Support

    The whole contacting Riese&Mueller (or Rohloff) thing is a non-starter.
  16. dblhelix

    Rohloff kit transformation?

    My bad, it’s called Enviolo now. I knew it as NuVinci. I was addressing your desire to “sit comfortably at 45kph.” Not going to happen. I would agree that my cadence would be lower with the Rohloff at 40kph, but if I lived in a fairly flat area, I’d think carefully whether the cost and service...
  17. dblhelix

    Rohloff kit transformation?

    Rohloff sourced that button shifter from King-Meter, which supplies display kits for sub-$1000 ebikes. Note that in the US, the replacement cost of the ”Rohloff” button shifter (“dealer-only”) is $60...
  18. dblhelix

    Rohloff kit transformation?

    You won’t be ”sitting comfortably at 45 kph” with the Rohloff, even with Gen4. The motor’s assist begins to drop linearly to zero at 43 kph, independent of hub choice. The gear range of the Rohloff is indeed greater than the Enviolio’s, but do you need this? Based on your blog, I’d say no. My...
  19. dblhelix

    Replacing stolen Como - what now?

    First of all, so sorry your bike was stolen. What do you plan to do in the future to prevent a repeat incident? While I live in the DC area, I had a positive service experience at The New Wheel. Solid dealer. You are lucky to have them in the area. What do you mean by LBS? A very local bike...