I used a stem riser and adjustable stem. I had to replace the front brake cable everything else was long enough. Adjustable stem : https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B00449ECLG/ref=oh_aui_detailpage_o09_s00?ie=UTF8&psc=1 Stem Riser ...
I ordered a 52v 13.5ah battery from Luna that goes right in the Radrover battery mount. I wouldn't know where to start with changing the controller though I wouldn't mind a bit more speed. (Link Removed - No Longer Exists)
I agree Roger the bodyfloat makes a ton of difference in the ride. I'm waiting for the Radrover full cover fenders to become available. Should be anytime now. The full cover mini fenders are already sold out
I got a 50 dollar gift card for Amazon from Radrover. I talked to someone a couple months ago about getting a referral from me so I'd like to thank them here since somehow the message got deleted from my account. I forget your name but Thank You. :)
Great video. The new full cover fenders for the Radrover are supposed to be out very soon. If you're on their email list you'll probably get a notice from them about it.