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  1. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    I haven’t heard of a tailgate blanket. Fill me in, thanks!
  2. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Thank you RandallS, this is extremely informative. I did read through the posts that PrairieDog recommended too. I will need to keep researching and consider my usage. I agree that it does seem the interior transport is a great option, however I I have a rooftop tent for camping, and although it...
  3. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Ha! I knew someone would have thought of this already - Kind of like the skate guard covers I mentioned, but for a bike! Check out these cool wheel covers. I don't think the fabric is right for protecting from the spikes on studded winter tires, but kind of genius for keeping things clean - and...
  4. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Perfect! I will check it out. Thanks!
  5. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    SE actually, I have terrific access to the Bow River trails and into Fish Creek Park. according to the AllTrails app, very connected access to a great swath of the pathway system without needing to drive to get there. I'm not quite brave enough yet to venture too far though being early days...
  6. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Yes, I agree based on my short time in slightly wet, minor slushy conditions. More melting will test my set up, but forecast for one more +6day tomorrow, then return to more normal conditions for the next while. Fresh snow in the forecast too, I will get to see how my bike handles it. Won't be...
  7. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Interesting. I will be curious to try riding in fresh snow. We have been very spoiled here with very mild temperatures so far this winter. Your video sounds like the wind would be making that ride a bit uncomfortable!
  8. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Thank you for your response, an excellent description! And now I know exactly what you mean, because I have tried it for myself... I rode entirely on asphalt on Saturday to seat the studs, and it was great! I can't wait for summer riding and exploring when camping. I haven't ridden a bike in...
  9. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    I was out walking today scoping out some of the pathways that I thought would be a little more cleared than they actually are and saw a couple of other cyclists. I don’t have a trained eye yet to know whether they were e bikes or regular, and they definitely were not fat tire bikes, but I would...
  10. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Yes that’s the place. When it came down to it, I like the idea of supporting local. If I was going to pay for shipping or duties and even if I might have found a bit lower price, it was an easy decision and I still get my instant gratification!
  11. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Well that was a deep dive! You guys really know your stuff! I had a stroke of luck while consulting and trying to get very intricate with fitting. Pure Cycle just got a tire order today and my bike is currently at the shop getting the Schwalbe Ice Spiker Pro's put on. When it came down to it...
  12. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    I’m wondering if others are using fenders when switching out tires? Maybe this is a trade off to not have fenders when going with winter tires. Seems like a good time to have them as I don’t see myself as a real cold weather rider, but more on the close to zero days when it is likely to be a bit...
  13. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Terrific info and help thanks again! I will take some time to digest this and update with the outcome in the hope the information can be helpful for others. This forum and its kind members are an amazing resource!
  14. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Ok yes, I was picturing the more aggressive tread, and your explanation totally makes sense. Thank you for that! I think an inquiry to the support line is in order before I go further down the path of trying to locate where to buy. The other factor my LBS mentioned is that going to the maximum...
  15. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Wow!!! Amazing!! This is so beyond what the had hoped for. Thank you for the very informative reply. I see I was confused on the sizing, so thanks for clarifying that too. I guess that’s part of not wanting to do an online order if it isn’t right, it’s more difficult to return. I will certainly...
  16. pedalpusher

    New member, New bike, ISO winter tire recommendations

    Hello fellow EBR members! I have just joined, after much reading and learning about e-bikes. I recently purchased my first bike. I was hoping by ordering early I'd receive it this spring, but I've actually already taken delivery and can't wait to get out and try it! We've had unseasonably mild...