Search results

  1. frequentflyer

    Safety with E Bikes

    At my fitness level, a throttle was absolutely a necessity on my ebike choice and I use it with some frequency. I rarely or never use it to give my legs a rest, but it's great to have on inclining intersections. My commuting route includes a few of those. Gives me a lot of confidence that...
  2. frequentflyer

    Folding and/or commuting ebike suggestions

    I'm on the taller & heavier side and love my new Blix Aveny step thru. My commute is 4.5 miles one way, mostly flat or long inclines with a few sharper short hills. The Blix handles it very well. I haven't really thought about the weather problem. I suppose I would leave it in my office if I...
  3. frequentflyer

    Online e bikes

    None of the local bike shops where I am sell ebikes. I decided to buy online from Blix. They have free shipping and 30 days return policy, plus they shipped to my local store, not to me. I liked that better, since I'll need my local shop to tune-up. So far, that has worked out fine. I would...
  4. frequentflyer

    Should I wait to buy my 1st e-bike?

    Don't wait. I bought mine a few weeks ago and love it. I'm 60, and in middling shape. I have dedicated bike paths all around me and have been riding almost every day since I bought it. Like you, I have a Pedego dealer nearby (30 mins) but not much else. I rented an ebike when I was in...
  5. frequentflyer

    New Blix Sol

    I just bought an Aveny, too. I'm really enjoying it. The SOL is a cruiser and the Aveny a city bike.
  6. frequentflyer

    Bought a Blix Aveny. The whys of my decision.

    Thanks to feedback and education here, I decided on the Blix Aveny. I was driving myself a bit crazy trying to decide (F.O.B.O. all the way) but I ordered the bike a couple of weeks ago and took possession on Saturday. I'm quite pleased. Time will tell, of course. I wanted a commuter-style...
  7. frequentflyer

    Just starting, need general advice

    This helps alot, thanks. The "walk assist" is something I added to my list of must haves. I'm pretty good about anticipating gearing on a ride so I'm not too worried about the hills from a dead stop if I can get low enough to get moving. Kansas is not all flat, I can tell you that!
  8. frequentflyer

    Just starting, need general advice

    So glad I've found this forum!! I've been reading a lot but I'm really at a loss about how to narrow down my choices. Visiting Europe this past summer I rented a front-hub drive throttled ebike and was pretty amazed that I was able to take hills that I wouldn't normally make. (The bike was...