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  1. L

    ODK on a bus bike rack?

    Friend of mine works in marketing for the bus company. He said they are very sturdy, and if you can lift it, it should be fine.
  2. L

    Beware the Bicycle Lane

    Reid - what camera are you Using?
  3. L

    Finally got to take my new CCS out for a ride yesterday! First impressions...

    Congrats. My CCS hasn’t yet arrived, it’s been here locally since Tuesday and they still haven’t called for a delivery time. Supposedly it will be delivered tomorrow,
  4. L

    Upper Midwest Juiced CrossCurrent Bike Owners Support Group (unofficial)

    I may need to resurrect my Facebook account, never use it. I’m in MPLS right off the kennilworth trail. Just ordered a CCS yesterday and am looking forward to it. Will be interesting to see how this impacts riding of my 4 other non ebikes. :)