Search results

  1. S

    Power Pedals on Creo?

    For me, on the Garmin 130 Plus, the Creo broadcasts a power “sensor” that is detected by the Garmin. I have not delved in deep enough yet to determine if the Creo is broadcasting 1 or 2 power sensors. I do not have the”fake” channel enabled via the Specialized app. For the third party app...
  2. S

    Power Pedals on Creo?

    Thanks Stefan! I’ll check out the app. It would be good to see the two compared for a better understanding of the data.
  3. S

    Power Pedals on Creo?

    Thanks. The Garmin 130 Plus picks up the power sensor but it is from the motor. Occasionally the read outs make me think it is reading total power (me and the motor) and other times it appears at a level that seems in line with my output levels. Here again, I have never run a power meter on...
  4. S

    Power Pedals on Creo?

    Hi all. New to the forum and while I did search the subject, if I missed it, please point me in the right direction. I am a relatively new owner of a 2021 Creo SL Expert. I have had it about 30 days and have about 350 miles on the bike. So far, I love the bike and I admit that I was a bit...