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  1. P

    Thinking about selling my ST2

    I just got back from dropping off my van for service. Took the bike in the back and rode it back to my house which is 13 miles. It was a bit cold out 50° but it reminded me how much I love riding it. I guess I am just longing for the weather to clear so I can get in some solid daily riding...
  2. P

    Thinking about selling my ST2

    This is not a for sale ad :) I am thinking of selling mine and just had some questions. Does anyone know how to ship it? How do you transfer the ST2 I remember I did something with my smart phone at the dealer with my phone. I am still on the fence about it up here in New England I find that...
  3. P

    ST2S for Clydesdale size rider

    I started riding at 310 down to 220 mainly due to my ebike. The ST2 handled me just fine at 310. I must have looked funny to people they were all like how does that old fat man go so fast on a bike. I am only 5' 8" though.
  4. P

    winter battery storage

    I just take mine up and down the street once a week when it is not covered in salt. My battery is at 63% right now then I keep my bike in the basement, I have a walk out, instead of the unheated garage.
  5. P

    Do you get strange looks when you past a moving vehicle? :)

    I have noticed too that in moderate traffic in the city is going 20ish as I pass people they start to speed up or sometimes even go into the bike lane to block me from passing. The thing that bothers me the most is people who speed up to pass me only to make a right turn in about 30 feet in...
  6. P

    Got hit by a car last night

    Just to update this they offered the driver plead to DUI and they will drop the fleeing the scene charge. He said he is going to fight it and go to court. Looks like I will have a court date sometime in the future.
  7. P

    Got hit by a car last night

    On my last tour in Afghanistan I rode a cheap bike around the base every morning for exercise. One morning a young E1 in a fuel tanker sped up to pass me only to make a right turn 5 feet in front of me. On the cheap bike brakes were more of a suggestion and I could not stop in time so I hopped...
  8. P

    Got hit by a car last night

    A detective called me today to get some more information. I asked him about the driver and he told me this is his third DUI arrest in 5 years but the other two did not stick. I was really shocked to hear that but the detective told me if they have a good enough lawyer there is a lot of loop holes.
  9. P

    Got hit by a car last night

    When I ride I am always very aware of people turning into traffic because that is the number one killer of people on bikes. So last night riding home from the store I saw a guy waiting to turn into traffic. I always look right at their face to make sure they have turned and see me. He turned...
  10. P

    Handlebar bike mirrors?

    I use the mirrocycle as well. Good price great product.
  11. P

    Side-bags for ST-2(s): Any experiences guys ?

    I use the Bontrager Interchange Rear Trunk Bag it velcros on and has a carrying strap. I usually have my wallet and other things in it so when I get to where I am going I take it with me. I also keep my slime, pump, lock, and multi purpose tool in it. Plenty of space left over if you want to...
  12. P

    First video of me testing/riding the ST2 in Chicago~

    I saw four Dunkin Donuts on your clip as well as brick buildings. You must live in New England somewhere.
  13. P

    Insurance worth the cost?

    My homeowners covers theft even off property and I also have a product that covers me to a point with my homeowners if I were to get into an accident with the E-Bike that was my fault.
  14. P

    I got pulled over again

    Trying to avoid going political but I live in NH and the state motto is Live Free or Die. A fine of $200 for crossing double yellows would defiantly have me at my next town meeting talking about reducing fines under the 8th amendment.
  15. P

    I got pulled over again

    His demo was for sale but I need a 17 inch.
  16. P

    I got pulled over again

    Our crime rate is 2%. Most of our crime is drunk knuckleheads or motorists not obeying the law.
  17. P

    I got pulled over again

    35 Dollars for running the red light. It was yellow when I entered the intersection I tend to obey the rules of the road especially on a bike because blowing a light can get you killed pretty easy.
  18. P

    I got pulled over again

    So I was pretty sure the light was yellow but the bicycle officer on the other side thinks it was red. Anyway I guess he turned to run me down but quickly realized he could not catch me. I honestly did not know he was chasing me. He had to call for a cruiser to intercept me. The cruiser...
  19. P

    Rearview mirror standard on ST2 -bikes ? If not, any mirrror to reccomend ?

    In the US they don't come with one. I got a mirrorcyle works great and is inexpensive.
  20. P

    Bike repair rack

    I see various ones for sale on Amazon. Does anyone have a good recommendation? I had a flat the other day ago and doing the old bike flip was a pain in the butt.