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  1. devhead

    Charging to 80% without a Satiator

    @Feliz, sorry, I do not know the specs for the controller on the CCS. I've read through this thread once again and figured out my take aways. 1) I'm not charging my battery high enough (I thought i was but I'm not) 2) because of this I'm constantly draining it below a recommended level and...
  2. devhead

    Charging to 80% without a Satiator

    Bikerjohn, not sure what the answer is, yet, but I'm don't think that one chart is for at rest and the other is for under load. I see that my CCS gets much lower (off the chart) when under load towards the end of my ride. It rebounds and finds it way back on the chart after about 15 minutes...
  3. devhead

    Charging to 80% without a Satiator

    I happened to bring my charger with me to work today. So...after reading and distilling the info in the this thread I charged the battery to 52.3V (80% using Mark's chart). I rode my usual aggressive 10 miles. This time the bike would hit 29+ mph instead of the normal 25+. When I got home I let...
  4. devhead

    Charging to 80% without a Satiator

    I'm still not convinced on any of this but remember that the charts are to be used when the bike is at rest. Your LVC, from what i understand, is used while the bike has a load on it, when you are riding it with the motor engaged. Typically when you are riding the voltage indicator will be...
  5. devhead

    Charging to 80% without a Satiator

    I got the bigger battery pack so that I could stick within the 80/20 rule. I think a lot of us are surprised with the lower part of our original chart. What I thought was 35% is actually 3% and that all this time I'm doing harm to my battery pack. I have a 300 foot climb at mile 18 of my ride...
  6. devhead

    Charging to 80% without a Satiator

    So...based on Mark's chart. I've been starting my ride with a 67% charge and finishing with a 3% charge. I thought I had been starting with an 75% charge and finishing with a 35% charge. My ride is 20 miles round trip with hills both ways. I have 48v 19ah battery pack and ride the CCS. I...
  7. devhead

    Speedometer accuracy?

    I find it to be pretty accurate on my CCS. Note that just using the thumb throttle will not always maintain 20 mph in all conditions. Hills & head wind (even brief episodes) will slow your pace.
  8. devhead

    Took the CCX Plunge!

    Congrats on the shiny new wheels! I truly enjoy the looks of my CCS in brushed aluminum. Well worth the few extra dollars. Being that I'm in San Diego, Rich delivered my bike to my door, set up and ready to go. You might want to see what their delivery area is.
  9. devhead

    New Cross Current S - Gear Skipping

    Be sure to lube all threaded parts, particularly pedals. Remember your left pedal has reverse threads. Anytime threads get wet and or dirt in them, they tend to make creaking sounds after they dry out. You can test this out when riding, typically the more stress you you put on the component...
  10. devhead

    48v 19.2ah max charge volts?

    I have. I have the same bike and battery. I typically charge to 80% but accidentally left it on the charger over night once. I checked the voltage (it displayed in the mid 53 volts) and was surprised that it was not at 100% according to this chart: PCT Volts 100 54.6 95 53.8 90...
  11. devhead

    New Cross Current S - Gear Skipping

    Inspect each link of the chain, it is likely you will find that two links are not moving. Carefully use two pairs of pliers to loosen the links up. This is a common problem with all new chains and is not relative to the CCS itself per se
  12. devhead


    Mine is 3 mode: press for on, press for blink (repeat as often you find amusing), press and hold for Off.
  13. devhead

    Detailed Ride Report - Distance/Battery

    Will someone post the chart for a CCS with 19 amp hour battery. I just got my bike last week and I still haven't figured out what voltage a full charge is. I remember Tora telling me to ignore the bars and use the numbers. I need numbers!
  14. devhead

    Add =your= thoughts for the short haul of groceries (and other stuff that helps you and your bike)

    Rigid baskets seem nice. I use soft panniers and have had them get caught up in the rear spokes due to hitting bumps/potholes at excessive speeds. Not a good sound or feeling when this happens. I like how these baskets collapse when not in use. The only thing I get curious about is the rattle...
  15. devhead

    I Disagree with the Majority - My 2 cents

    FLX bikes stopped taking pre-orders because it led to horrible customer satisfaction when the supply chain failed outside of their control. JB/Tora take a hit for every bad battery, manufacturing defect, late shipment, etc...
  16. devhead

    CCS : Any suggestion for water bottle holder?

    I am interested in this too. I figure going with what tri-athletes affectionately call "Rocket Launchers". They are seat rail mounted. Here is a link to what Amazon has. it appears there are some other solutions...
  17. devhead

    Finally got to take my new CCS out for a ride yesterday! First impressions...

    Congrats on the new ride. I'm 5' 10" too, what frame size did you get?
  18. devhead

    ST2 s motor cable problems

    I had this problem as well. The tech at my shop said this was due to a bad batch of motor cables and so is a known and limited problem. I've put another 3k miles on my ST2 since the cable was replaced, no further problems with the motor cable have occurred. As for the shop charging you for...
  19. devhead

    The dealer cannot properly bleed my brakes

    I concur with JayVee impress about the brakes. I've transported my bike numerous times laying it flat in the back of my Rav4 (I'm now getting my 4th OMNI) and have flipped it over to change tires/tubes. Never had a problem with the brakes after doing so. Manufacturing defect ?
  20. devhead

    ST2 17 inch for 5' 11"

    Hi Mark- My $.02...since you asked. I am 5' 10". I test rode the 17" ST2. it was clearly too small for me. I then test rode the 20", I'm very comfortable on it. So...I bought the 20" ST2. My take, a good deal isn't a good deal if it doesn't fit you. The price may be right but you may...